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Impact Write-Up (February 13th, 2015): The Mean Queen Overthrows the Queen Bee

Hola Knockout fans and welcome to what will be a very brief edition of Impact Write-Up on this fine Valentine’s Day. After finishing up things over at that Manhattan Center last week with Lockdown, TNA’s annual UK Tour kicks off this week and our first stop of this extensive trip is Glasgow, Scotland. On this week’s episode of Impact, it’s a battle of the queens as the Queen Bee Madison Rayne goes one on one with the Mean Queen Awesome Kong in what is about a two minute affair if we’re excluding promo time. Let’s not waste any time and jump right into the more or less Knockouts action.

With Christy Hemme on maternity leave and Jeremy Borash battling gravity, ring announcing duties fall under guest star So Cal Val, who introduces Madison Rayne as she makes her way to the ring. Before getting into any kind of action, Madison takes a moment to make something abundantly clear. An ominous stomp rudely interrupts Madison, who tries to once again get her message across that for the last six years she has been the Queen Bee of the Knockouts division. Another stomp fills the air and this doesn’t seem to be a technical difficulty stemming from the music man as Madison suspects.

The Queen Bee carries on to declare that not only is she the greatest Knockout of all time but that she is only one title reign away from becoming the most decorative Knockout ever! After being cut short for the third time during her moment, Madison looks to former admirer Earl Hebner to put a stop to all the unwanted interruptions. Madison wraps up her speech by giving a reminder to rest of the Knockouts backstage that none of them can beat her. Responding to Madison’s challenge and this time coming out to her full music is the mighty Awesome Kong.

Quivering in fear and using Earl Hebner as a referee shield, Madison seems to have bit off more than she can chew as she sets for combat against Kong. As the official bell rings, Madison quickly goes for some offense but Kong easily brushes it off. Kong follows up by tossing Madison across the ring by the hair and scoops her up for a quick slam in the middle of the ring.

Kong runs the ropes, looking to connect a splash but misses as Madison manages to roll away to safety. With Kong down, Madison takes this quick break moment to land a combination of kicks and left forearms. Proud of herself, the Queen Bee gives her pageant smile and wave to crowd as she climbs to the second rope of the corner looking for some high flying offense. When Madison misses, it proves to be her downfall as Kong puts this match to an end with a hard hitting Implant Buster for an easy three count pin; leaving Madison broken and Awesome Kong with a dominating platform.

Thoughts: A very slow week for the Knockouts this week.

I did enjoy Madison’s opening promo for what is was, as it did help display the strengths behind Madison’s character and mic skills. As for the actual match (or lack of) there isn’t too much to go off aside from Kong re-positioning herself as TNA’s most dominate Knockout. In a way, it was a tad disappointing to see Madison be the first victim of Kong’s after her very impressive match triple threat match just a few weeks ago where she was the MVP, in my opinion but it is what it is.

It’s only the beginning of TNA’s UK tour, with there still being more promises on the way. Hasta luego Knockouts fans!

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