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Impact Wrestling Spoilers: May 29th, 2015

TNA taped the May 29th episode of Impact last night. Spoilers below:

The airs dates for these segments are unknown.

* In a Six Sides of Steel Match for the Knockout’s Championship, Taryn Terrell (w/ The Dollhouse) defeated Gail Kim with the Ace Crusher. Jade and Marti Bell got involved when Gail tried to climb out. After they attacked Gail and locked the cage door until Awesome Kong’s music hit and she came to the ring. Kong tried to break the lock by hitting it with a chair but to no avail. Taryn took a mic and said to Gail that she told her that she was nothing. Taryn attacked Gail’s hand until security had to come stop her.

* Mickie James came to the ring. She said she agreed to come back for one more match. She holds to have one of the best matches of her career. She says Magnus is not just her fiancée he is her best friend, the father of her child, and the love of her life. She said James Storm is a dear friend and said this is tough because she has to balance it between her friends and her heart. James Storm came to the ring. She wanted to apologize over what happened with the guitar. Storm said she doesn’t have to apologize and Magnus felt like he was doing the right thing. Storm said it is more about him being jealous of their friendship. Mickie said Storm has been in the business just as long if not longer and asked how many times he has been burned. She said Magnus is just trying to protect him. Storm said he saved them from Bram and he likes to hold doors for women and if that makes him a bad guy than he is one. He bought Mickie that car, Donovan a blanket, and Magnus a gladiator helmet from when he first started. Storm said he has an important meeting with some important people and mentioned some musicians and how they want to get in touch with her in Nashville and he wants her to go that route. He once again said some decisions that if they are tough to be made should not be made and he supports her. He goes to leave. Mickie said tell them she will see them in Nashville.

* In a segment that may have been for May 15th, Angelina Love came to the ring and insulted Velvet. She talked about how Velvet attacked her “last week” (May 8th?) and she has her own friends now: a security team. Velvet was on the guardrail near the entrance. Angelina reminded her that she got fired. She told Velvet to try hitting her and that security would throw her out like the piece of trash that she is. Angelina turned her back and Velvet jumped her. Security held her back but she broke through and attacked. Security had to haul Velvet out and they handcuffed her.

Taped for international Impact, aired May 22nd:
* Brooke defeated Jade (w/ Marti Bell) after botched interference from Marti.


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