Sunday, March 2, 2025

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New Details on What Led to Controversial Charlotte/Paige Angle

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New details have emerged about the controversial segment between Charlotte and Paige that closed Monday’s Raw, revealing how and why the memory of Charlotte’s late brother Reid Flair was evoked.

According to PWInsider, the idea was something that was presented to Charlotte, and she was given the opportunity to give feedback on every aspect of it, from its verbiage to the way it was presented.

The original idea, PWInsider says, came from Charlotte telling WWE’s creative team that she sees her entire career as a tribute to her brother. The report states that the segment evolved throughout the day and it was not “a situation where she was handed a script and told what to do.”

The report also states that several people voiced their objections to the angle, and it may have been pulled at one point. Ultimately, though, it was Vince McMahon‘s call to go forward with it.

WWE issued a statement to PWInsider, making it clear that they hold themselves ultimately responsible for the segments they put on air:

“Subject matter this personal is only approved as a result of the strong advocacy of the talent themselves. Notwithstanding that, WWE is ultimately responsible for what airs in its programming.”

Read the full report on PWInsider.

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