Friday, June 28, 2024

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Results: Alexa Bliss wins the Raw Women’s Championship

Tonight on Money in the Bank, Ronda Rousey competed in her first WWE singles match when she took on Nia Jax for the Raw Women’s Championship.

Jax relied on her power for most of the match – driving Rousey to a corner at the sound of the bell, tossing her across the ring and landing a running splash from a corner.

Rousey responded with quick jabs and tries to lock in the armbar but Jax powers out of it to counter with a powerbomb. Rousey falls through the ropes and lands on the outside where Jax chases after her. Jax swings Rousey to the barricade and tosses Rousey back in the ring for a two count.

More power display from Jax as she lifts and drops Rousey at the center of the ring. Rousey gets to her feet and jumps to lock in a guillotine submission but Jax slams Rousey’s head to the mat instead. Jax applies a bear hug but Rousey breaks free after side headshot strikes. Jax shoves Rousey to ropes and connects a Samoan Drop upon return for a two count.

Jax runs the ropes for a Leg Drop but Rousey rolls out the way. The champion charges after Rousey from a corner but hits the barricade instead. Rousey tries to capitalize with an armbar from a corner but breaks the illegal hold before the referee’s five count. As Jax tries to recover, Rousey climbs the top rope for a cross body that takes the Champion down.

Rousey stays in control with striking fists, a jumping knee shot and a judo throw. Rousey tosses Jax one more time and tries to lock in the armbar but newly named Ms. Money in the Bank Alexa Bliss ran into the ring and attacked both Rousey and Jax with her MITB briefcase.

The match ends in DQ but Bliss continued to assault both Rousey and Jax. She then cashes her MITB briefcase and quickly lands a DDT on Jax. Bliss then climbs the top rope for a Twisted Bliss and wins the Raw Women’s Champion to become a five-time overall Champion.

What did you think of the match?

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