Thursday, March 6, 2025

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In Video: Footage of New FCW Diva, Tamina (Sarona Snuka) in the Ring

I know we have all been super curious to see what Sarona Snuka aka Tamina can do in the ring given that her daddy is a Hall of Famer. Check out footage below of Tamina in a six-Diva match at an FCW event last month.

Skip to 04:14

Obviously, not the best example of her wrestling since she pretty much jobbed to Courtney Taylor but there you have it. I think Tamina is absolutely gorgeous — she has such a beautiful face. She may not be the same size as the other girls in FCW or the main roster but she has an amazing look that should get her far. I’m definitely hoping to see more of her, hopefully as a babyface though… I can see the fans getting behind her.

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