Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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SHIMMER Volume 47 Taping Results

Diva Dirt presents live coverage of the SHIMMER 45-48 DVD tapings in Berwyn, Illinois this weekend.

Diva Dirt’s Steven is on hand with live results.

Nikki St. John def. Angelus Layne via running bulldog.

Volume 47
The show kicks off with a video from Serena Deeb saying she wishes she could be here and she has had some of her best moments at Shimmer. She thanks the fans and the company. She tells all the girls to kick some ass.

Rhia O’Reilly def. Taylor Made via double underhook DDT.

Kellie Skater def. Veda Scott via Skate and Destroy.

Kalamity def. KC Spinelli via Kalamityville Horror.

Jessie McKay about her title shot. Saraya inteferes and threatens Jessie. She says she needs Jessie to do something for her and will rip her head off if she doesn’t.

Kana/LuFisto def. MsChif/Christina Von Eerie via submission.

Hilarious Sara Del Rey/Courtney Rush segment.

Athena def. Sassy Stephie via O-Face.

Canadian Ninjas def. Mia Yim/Davina Rose via Funky Cold Medina on Davina Rose.

Shazza McKenzie def. Saraya via DQ after Saraya refuses to break a hold using the ropes. After the match, Saraya has to be restrained and carried out.

Sara Del Rey and Courtney Rush (Death Rush) vs Regeneration-X (dressed as Super Mario Bros) is next.

Death Rush def. Re-X after Rush hits an Olympic slam on Danger. Death Rush’s odd couple gimmick is way over.

Mercedes Martinez def. Hailey Hatred via Fisherman Buster.

Interview with Melissa. She says she doesn’t trust Jessie McKay and that her motive is to gain the SHIMMER Championship.

Ayumi Kurihara and Ayako Hamada vs Ray and Leon for the tag titles is next.

Kurihara and Hamada def. Ray and Leon after Ayumi rolls up Leon.

Cheerleader Melissa def. Jessie McKay via Air Raid Crash. At one point, Jessie goes to use a steel chair, but stops herself. Saraya tries to interfere by giving Jessie a chain, but Jessie throws it out. Post match, Saraya attacks Melissa and a fight breaks out that takes about 8 guys to break up.

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