Sunday, January 5, 2025

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WWE No Longer Paying for Sunny’s Rehab

sunny shootIt’s been public knowledge that the WWE has been financially supporting Hall of Famer Tammy “Sunny” Sytch during her stints in rehab. Now we’re learning — straight from the WWE itself — that this is no longer happening.

Sunny has been arrested six times since September 2012, the most recent arrest taking place in late January.

It seems that Sunny’s many relapses have been too much for WWE to take, and in an official statement to, the Connecticut-based company has stated that it will no longer help the self-proclaimed “Original Diva”. 

In the statement, the WWE said:

[box]”As part of the Former Talent Rehabilitation Program, WWE has sent Ms. Sytch to rehabilitation numerous times, with all costs covered by WWE. Unfortunately, Ms. Sytch has continued to make poor personal choices and is ultimately responsible for the consequences of these decisions. WWE has always provided rehabilitation at a certified treatment center; however, given Ms. Sytch’s inability to change her lifestyle and successfully complete treatment, WWE will no longer fund her rehabilitation.”[/box]

The WWE has previously covered Sytch’s costs through four trips to rehab, the latest stint starting last October.

Sunny recently took part in an interview with Kayfabe Commentaries and talked about WWE’s removal of support, her arrests, prison life and more. A trailer for the shoot interview can be seen below:

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