Thursday, January 9, 2025

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Naomi Injury Update: Surgery Needed? has updated fans on the condition of Naomi, who suffered an eye injury on last Monday’s Raw.

The site reports the Naomi is expected to miss ring time and quote WWE’s Dr. Chris Amann on her condition:

“After Naomi went home she had increasing swelling and pain, which prompted a visit to a local doctor there, who performed a CAT scan. The CAT scan result showed a small, minimally displaced fracture of the eye socket or orbit on the medial wall, which is the inside part of the socket next to the nose. She is being followed closely and the swelling is being controlled at this point with oral medication.”

RELATED: Naomi Pulled from Weekend Live Events

The doctor adds that Naomi will have a follow-up assessment later this week, when it will be determined whether or not she will need surgery.

He tells, “we should have some updated information in terms of a return to the ring timetable within the next 3-4 days.”

We’re all pulling for you, Naomi!

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