When we look at Beth and Kong, we don’t see the usual skinny supermodel women. They are unique, they have power, more size, and were beasts in the ring. They helped make it more acceptable for women to be bigger without sacrificing beauty or match quality. Beth Phoenix in particular took the Chyna prototype and just ran with it. Kong took the Bertha Faye blueprint and built the house that women like Lei’d Tapa and Nia Jax reside in. If you haven’t seen Bertha Faye as Ronda Singh in Japan, then the reference may be lost on you. Beth and Kong helped us see that women didn’t have to fit the mold of the model era, and could be sexy. Sadly Kong wrestled less frequently this decade over the last, but she’s back as a force in AEW. Beth came back as a commentator for the Mae Young Classic, and we also see Kong on GLOW, an award-winning show. Kong has inspired people since her journey in 2002’s Discovery Health Challenge and continues to by playing a strong, family-oriented Woman, while the Glamazon was able to show her daughters at this past Wrestlemania what a force she was and still is.