Thursday, December 26, 2024

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10 Game Changers of the Decade

AJ Lee
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AJ Lee

She WAS the Diva’s Division, and she wasn’t shy in saying it. From 2012-2015, AJ ruled the division, and she was easily the first woman since Laycool was on the scene, that WWE actually invested in. She had storylines, character development, she was involved in the main event scene, and she captured the Diva’s Title in a standout match that had history and a story behind it. She was an advocate for change, was brash and outspoken. She was given a mic and was allowed to speak her mind, which resulted in her blasting Total Divas and effectively burying them. Her dropping her title to Paige the night after Wrestlemania helped Paige get over, and her praise of the women of NXT showed her caring for all of the wrestling under the WWE banner. Most important, she was able to call out Stephanie McMahon’s hypocrisy on women about using their voice for women and wages, and openly supported #GiveDivasAChance. 

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