Friday, March 28, 2025

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10 most underrated women in WWE history

Being underrated is a term that gets tossed around a lot when it comes to professional wrestling. Of course, every fan has their favorites which is all part of the fun. At some point though credit should be given where credit is due.

Inspired by Ring The Belle’s most recent upload on YouTube, Diva Dirt has decided to share its own list of underrated women in WWE’s history.

DS Shin was joined by Paloma Starr and Joey Mayberry to help him create the list. Each individual gave three women of their own choosing and the fans gave one pick to complete the underrated list.

Their list comprised of the following women:

Their list included a good mixture of past and present talent. Some talent who may have been more popular than others such as Naomi and Molly Holly, but still have that underrated feel to them. Then there are others such as Tiffany and Gail Kim who went on to do bigger and better things outside of WWE.

Let’s move forward to Diva Dirt’s list of underrated women in WWE history.

First up is a woman who was a member of Extreme Expose and found better success once she left WWE.

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