Sunday, March 23, 2025

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Impact 04/05/18: Careful what you wish for

Tonight on Impact Wrestling, a newly confident Allie calls out Su Yung after the latter jumped her from behind on last week’s episode of Impact.

With the Knockouts Championship strapped around her waist, Allie marches down the ring and gets right to the point: Su Yung is a coward! Allie was once afraid of monsters like Su Yung but she is a new person who isn’t afraid anymore! Allie demands that Yung bring her ass to the ring for a one on one match! Hear Allie ROAR!

Yung’s ominous music hits and out comes the Undead Bride with a kendo stick in hand. Allie wastes no time going on the offense as she dropkicks Yung from behind during the middle of Yung’s in-ring entrance!

The bell sounds off continues to go after Yung, driving her headfirst to the ring apron and a chop to the chest. The Knockouts make it the ring where Allie stomps Yung at a corner. She goes for an early Super Kick but Yung catches it and counters with a kick of her own. Yung runs the ropes and strikes Allie down with a running knee that earns her a two count.

We return from a short break to see Yung remain in control over Allie. She drags Allie to corner and lands kicks to the face. Yung maneuvers Allie to hang from the middle to connect a hanging pedigree for another two count.

While the referee has his back turned, Yung fetches her trusty kendo stick but Allie kicks it out of her hand! After a combination of forearms, clotheslines and a dropkick, Allie brings Yung down via suplex to a corner. Suddenly Braxton Sutter runs down the entrance ramp to try and distract Allie but the plain is foiled when Allie lands a codebreaker on Yung! One, two… and Yung kicks out in time.

Sutter gets involved again when he grabs Allie’s leg as she begins to set up for a Super Kick. In the midst of the interruption, Yung grabs her kendo stick and hits Allie with it thus awarding Allie with the win via DQ. The referee tries to gain some order but flees the ring when Yung begins to swing the kendo stick. Yung proceeds to choke Allie out to stand tall in the end.

Let’s next check-in with Mother of the Hivelings Rosemary who invites us on a family Road trip to Valhalla. She calls out Taya Valkyrie to meet her next week so the two can settle things once and for all in a Demon Dance match.

Thoughts: This is the Allie I’ve always hoped to see: a confident Knockouts Champion! We’re seeing her really go in the ring, wanting to face any challenge that gets in her way and the growth of her character makes you want to cheer for like the babyface she is supposed to be. Little things needing a pep talk from Gail Kim to having fire her up and needing to take a deep breath to call out Yung are great touches.

Then there’s Su Yung whose only objective is to inflict damage. Right now she doesn’t care about the rules and is ready to climb up the ladder within the Knockouts division by any means necessary. There still doesn’t seem to be any connection between Braxton Sutter and Su Yung outside a vendetta against a common enemy. I’m hoping we can hear Su Yung speak even if it’s in a backstage promo in the weeks ahead to see where her mindset is.

Next week’s match-up between Rosemary and Taya should be a wild one. However, when Impact throws these high stipulated match on regular episodes of Impact versus a live/big PPV, the pay off feels lessen. With the Demon Dance match next week, it does make me wonder if the Red Wedding First Blood match will still happen.

What did you think of this week’s episode of Impact? Are you enjoying the Allie/Su Yung feud? Are you excited for next week’s match? Let us know in the comments below!

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