Tuesday, January 7, 2025

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Your Two Cents: Dream Diva vs. Knockout Matches

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: If you could book one match between a Diva and a Knockout, what would it be? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • @AJLeeisBITW: I would love to see Cameron vs. Madison Rayne wrestling as heels! It would be really entertaining “I’m better than you” match!
  • @AllHailGailKim: Definitely Gail Kim vs. Natalya.
  • @AWESOMENICK7: I would book Layla vs. Brooke because I think everyone needs a little Extreme Expose in their life. They’ve both improved so much!
  • @ClydeEDawkins: AJ Lee vs. Brittany sounds salivating! Battle of the crazy chicks!
  • Joseph Robertson: I’d like to see Charlotte vs. Gail Kim. I think they would bring the house down. It would be brilliant.
  • Joshua Hettinger: I would have to say Havok vs. Paige with Gail vs. Paige as a close second.
  • Joshua Mcdonald: Angelina Love vs. Paige. Love as the mean girl, Paige as the hard hitting rocker chick. It writes itself. Plus they both are so good, I’m sure they could tear the roof off.
  • Matthew Brown: I’d most definitely pit Paige vs. Gail Kim. Not only have they been wrestling half their lives and know everything there is to know about the business, I think they’d have great chemistry together in the ring and they’d put on one hell of a match. It would most definitely be Match of the Decade, as they both like taking risks!
  • @MeganManStealer: Paige vs. Taryn Terrell they are complete opposites of each other.
  • Nick Goodsell: AJ Lee vs. Gail Kim or, if Brie and Nikki Bella were still together I wouldn’t mind seeing them face Angelina Love and Velvet Sky.
  • @RG_JoseCanUC: Paige vs. Gail Kim (technical, submission-skilled, stiff) or Alicia Fox vs. Madison Rayne (quick, crisp, bitchy heels)
  • Trevor Stewart: Gail vs. AJ. Very similar styles and the promos would be great.

And now we turn it over to you…

Give us your two cents! What Diva vs. Knockout match would you book?

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