* Lashley defeated Eddie Edwards to retain the World Heavyweight Title. In the end, Eddie looked to have the win but Davey Richards pulled the referee out allowing Lashley to Spear Edwards for the win. At that point, Davey attacked Eddie while Angelina Love attacked Edwards’ wife Alexxis Neveah in the crowd.
* Cody & Brandi Rhodes are out, Cody says he has been everywhere but now he is back at Impact Wrestling. Cody said the crowd is just too sweet. Cody wants to personally thank Moose for helping Brandi with Decay, so he asks Moose to come out. Cody says Moose is family to them and is a Rhodes, Moose says he will always have both of their backs. Cody is mad that Brandi has Moose’s number, asks them if they are going to sleep together. Cody says Moose isn’t a friend, Moose is a slut.Brandi asks Cody if he’s joking, Cody says he’s joking, perhaps it was in bad taste, but then kicks Moose in the balls. Cody beats down Moose, then makes a Bullet Club hand gesture to Moose while he’s on the ground before grabbing Brandi and leaving.
* Jade called out Rosemary, Rosemary says Decay is finished with her, Jade says it doesn’t matter, she’s not done with them. Jade challenges Rosemary to a Last Knockout Standing match, Rosemary accepts.
* Allie has been instructed by Maria to come out and invite everyone to the wedding of Braxton Sutter and Laurel Van Ness tomorrow.
* Moose doesn’t care what club Cody is in, who he is the grandson of, or who he left in the dust. It won’t matter because Cody will regret the day he messed with Moose. Cody blindsides Moose and they are having a brawl that cannot be separated by security. Wrestlers out to spectate the brawling now, Moose did a dive to the outside that took out security guards, Brandi visibly upset.