Spoilers for this week’s Impact taping are below! The show airs December 10th on Spike. Click the ‘+’ to read:
Thoughts after the cut:
Erin’s Thoughts
Sooooo much Knockout action! Awesome Kong and Steiner teaming up is pretty random, but the more Kong the better, I say.
I’m really interested in seeing Hamada dominate Eric Young. Intergender matches are great as long as they aren’t played for the “goofy” effect.
I think this is officially the first time inebriation was a stipulation for a women’s match.. Actually, I don’t think I’ve seen such a thing for the men either, so innovation~ all around!
The mud wrestling match is pretty much everything TNA claims to be against, but I guess everyone contradicts themselves. But hey, not even Divas do mud wrestling matches anymore, so they in fact aren’t acting like the Divas. See what they did there? Yeah..