Saturday, September 7, 2024

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Winners & Losers: NXT TakeOver: WarGames

NXT TakeOver: WarGames offered up another epic encounter inside the ominous structure. All eight women put their bodies on the line in the second ever women’s WarGames match.

Team Blackheart and Team LeRae had some big shoes to fill as last year’s WaGames match was so good. However, all eight wrestlers performed amazingly and gave us an unforgettable spectacle.

Lets get to the chaos;

The match got under way after both teams made their entrances. Team Blackheart making their presence felt instantly by arriving on Shotzi Blackheart‘s upgraded tank.

Credit: WWE

Dakota Kai and Ember Moon were first into the cage and they wasted little time in beating one another silly. Blackheart was next into the battle and she brought in a tollbox and crowbar for good measure. Blackheart and Moon would double team Kai with a big electric chair missile dropkick combination.

Raquel Gonzalez would enter next to even out the battlefield. Gonzalez would clean house, taking out both Blackheart and Moon with some big offence. The heel duo then teamed up when Kai leapt from the top rope with the assistance from Gonzalez into a flying double clothesline.

Next up to enter the fray was Rhea Ripley. Upon entering the cage Ripley and Gonzalez would unload on eachother, throwing huge strikes in a clash of the titans-like brawl.

Toni Storm would enter next but not before gathering a collection of kendo sticks. She would take the fight straight to Ripley in a nice throwback to their previous rivalry in NXT UK.

Io Shirai was the next entrant and introduced two ladders into the ring before attmepting to enter the structure herself. However, Gonzalez would deny Shirai entry several times by throwing into the barricades.

Candice LeRae then entered the chaos before her sidekick Indi Hartwell took Shirai out again and locked the door with a chain and padlock. The action would continue in the rings with Team LeRae having a four-on-three advantage.

Then Shirai would appear like a trash can-armoured angel on top of the cage before leaping onto the fighting forces below.

With all eight warriors in the rings all hell broke loose. Kai would double stomp a trash can onto Shirai. Moon would hot a devastating Eclipse on Kai over two steel chairs. Storm would drop Moon with a Storm Zero onto a trashcan. Blackheart would senton LeRae off a ladder but LeRae would get a chair up, which possibly broke LeRae’s arm in the process.

The end of the match would come in a flurry of offence as everyone but Shirai and Gonzalez would be taken out. Gonzalez atop the turnbuckel would then loft Shirai high above her head and slam her through a ladder to the end the match in brutal fashion.

Lets get to the winners and winners as there was no losers coming of this wonderful match.

Winner: Raquel Gonzalez

Raquel Gonzalez has had a phenomenal year thus far. No longer the muscle or the insureance policy for Dakota Kai, Gonzalez has established herself as a bonafide contender for the NXT Women’s Championship.

Gonzalez has constantly improved throughout the year and her performance at WarGames proved just how good she is. The fact that she pinned NXT Women’s Champion, Io Shirai shows how much confidence NXT has in her.

Winners: Shotzi Balckheart, Rhea Ripley, Toni Storm, Ember Moon, Dakota Kai, Io Shirai & Candice LeRae

Every person in the match went above and beyond to but on a spectacular WarGames match. They acheived new heights in what can be done in a match of this kind with their performances. It was and astonishing and breathtaking extravaganza and a fitting way for NXT’s excellent women’s division close out 2020.

Check out my NXT TakeOver: WarGames Review below;

What did you make of the WarGames match and Raquel Gonzalez pinning Io Shirai? Let us know in the comments below. As always stay tuned to Dive Dirt for all of your women’s wrestling news, reviews and updates.

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