Hello everyone. Last week, the AAA aired the first part of their new Alianzas tour, which saw a tag team match between the team of Dalys La Caribeña and Chik Tormenta versus one half of the AAA World Mixed Tag Team Champions La Hiedra and the AAA Reina de Reinas Champion Lady Flammer.
The stable known as Las Tóxicas have been feuding in the last couple of months against Chik Tormenta, Dalys la Caribeña and former NXT talent Julisa and Valentina, now known as Las Bramexas.
Walking with a vengance after losing her mask to Flammer a couple of years ago, Chik Tormenta made her way out to the ring followed by her tag partner Dalys La Caribeña.
Dressed in blue, Las Tóxicas made their way to the ring together, sporting their title belts, the AAA World Mixed Tag Team Championship and the AAA Reina de Reinas Championship, respectevly.
Dalys and Hiedra started the match going head-to-head pretty evenly and after a 180° running hairpull facebuster, both competitors were down. Their tag partners entered the ring trying to get a pin on them.
The match was taken over by las rudas after a tag team move, when Dalys had the tarantula locked on Hiedra in between the ropes, only for Chik Tormenta to do a running missile droptick on her but after Dalys hit her tag partner by accident, Las Toxicas made their comeback.
The heels brought in the weapons, with two pieces of wood and two trays. Unfortunately for them, they were hit with the trays by Las Toxicas, both teams took the action to the outside of the ring, with a suicide dive from Flammerand a diving moonsault from the ring apron by Chik Tormenta.
Dalys tried to powerbombed Flammer through one of those pieces of wood, and although she was unable to break it, she was able to get the three count on the champion. Post match, Dalys put Flammer through the table with a Death Valley Driver and celebrated her win with Chik Tormenta.
You can find the match and the first part of this episode available on youtube. This will be it for now, until next time!