Friday, January 10, 2025

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Super Detailed Spoilers for Next Week’s Raw

Here is a detailed spoiler report from last night’s Raw taping which is due to air next week. The reason it was taped a week in advance is because WWE is going on an Australian tour this week.

Thanks to Diva Dirt reader Vincent for the spoilers:

I was in attendance tonight. I’m not too sure what the story was behind two weeks worth of shows being taped tonight. It was completely unexpected for everyone in the crowd. For more details regarding the six Diva tag match…

Jillian and Alicia were the only two from their team that had ring time, and I believe all three babyfaces were tagged in at some point (from what i remember). Alicia attempts to tag Jillian in, but Jillian wasn’t having it. She was still was obviously upset from Alicia’s axe kick the week before, which in reality was only about an hour before.

Towards the end of the match (which started to unravel pretty quickly), Alicia is facing off with Natalya and I believe there was an interruption which propmted Gail to run in, and climb up the turnbuckles and she starts to cat-walk the top rope. Instead of connecting Alicia, whom she has hold of inside the ring, she hits a SICK crossbody on Tamina to the outside. The crowd ate that up. That says a lot, seeing as though we’d already been sitting there for nearly two and a half hours AND there had already been a Divas match earlier that night. Jillian attacks Gail on the outside and Eve hits a baseball slide on Jillian from the inside of the ring. Eve gets a hard clothesline from Tamina for her efforts. Lots of action going on outside the ring.

Meanwhile, still in the ring, Natalya and Alicia are going at it. Nattie looks to be putting Alicia away with a Sharpshooter (another pop from the crowd). However, she’s stopped by Tamina, who Natalya makes quick work of, eventually ridding her from the ring. As Nattie is on all fours, making sure Tamina is out of her way, Alicia hits her axe kick from behind and gets the three count.

All the Divas are now on the outside of the ring, minus Alicia. Eve and Gail are recovering, as they tend to Natalya. Tamina and Jillianaren’t too far off doing the same. Alicia grabs the mic and starts to cut a promo. She says she’s had the greatest Divas Championship reign, and that she’s beaten every Diva on the roster. “I’ve beaten all of you,” she says to the Divas at ringside. It’s funny because I don’t ever recall her facing off with Natalya or Tamina, or even one on one with Jillian for that matter. I could be mistaken.

Cameras cut to the Divas on the outside, with looks of defeat on their faces. Looks which seem to acknowledge that what she’s saying is actually true. She then goes on to say that basically she can’t be beat and there’s not a single Diva on the roster that can do the job.

Now, in my head I was already going crazy. I saw it coming from miles away once Alicia said that closing remark. Melina‘s music hits and the crowd LITERALLY goes wild. She easily had the biggest pop of the night, frankly because it was so unexpected, and it’s no secret she’s a fan favorite.

Melina walks down the ramp with confidence, and a smile on her face as Alicia is throwing a fit in the ring. Melina hits the ring and Alicia runs at her. Melina pulls the matrix and attacks Alicia, who bails out of the ring. However, she’s met by Jillian who has much satisfaction in throwing her right back into the ring for Melina. All the divas are now on the outside watching in a lumberjill kind of situation. Melina wastes little time in executing her split finisher on Alicia, and again the crowd loves it.

The Divas make their exit, as Alicialays defeated in the ring. Melina climbs the turnbuckles and poses for the fans, who are going absolutely nuts for her! She looked absolutely amazing! She was dressed in blue jeans, and a tan winter-esque shoulder cut-off top… babygirl worked it!

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