WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross continued to praise the Diva of the moment, AJ — this time for her role on Monday’s Raw.
Ross says AJ “stole the show”.
This latest praise comes after he dubbed AJ the breakout star of 2012.
Writing on his blog, JR says:
For my money AJ stole the show Monday night. Her crazy train, dementia riddled, girl next door persona is working. AJ makes Glenn Close’s character in ‘Fatal Attraction’ look like Paula Deen.
When is the last time that a female garnered the closing shot on a Raw episode? AJ’s image was the last one we saw from the arena Monday night. I remember the RAW that Trish and Lita closed the show in a memorable bout. What else from the ladies has closed the show on RAW?
For those who missed it (and you must’ve been living under a rock), AJ closed the show on Monday by pushing CM Punk and Daniel Bryan through a table.