Friday, March 28, 2025

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In Video: Natalya and The Great Khali Are in Love

On the WWE App, Josh Matthews interviewed the Great Khali and Natalya just before Kaitlyn was to discover the identity of her secret admirer.

Despite Kaitlyn throwing some serious shade Natalya’s way on Smackdown, Nattie hoped Kaitlyn was happy and wished her the best. Oh Natalya, too nice for her own good!

She did, however, say that she didn’t need and texts or secret gifts to connect with the Great Khali and that they are in love. Khali and Natalya flirt some more before heading out.

Though Khali’s detective work was kind of a bust, they do make a cute couple.

Watch the video below:

Do you like the pairing of Natalya/Khali?

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