Friday, March 28, 2025

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There’s A New Frenchie In Town (Updated)


FCW’s resident gossip queen, Jenny Cash has a brand new gimmick.  The most recent  episode of Florida Championship Wrestling saw Jenny managing Le Frenchmen (Trent Baretta aka Girl From Mexico and Caylen Croft) under the new ringname, Fifi. So does that mean no more Express News and Gossip?! No more ‘CHA-CHING!!!’ Oh, no! My heart is breaking *sniff, sniff*. So what do you guys think of the sudden image change? Do you want OctoMom the old Jenny back. Sound off!

P.S: I’ll have the video up ASAP.

Update: As promised, here’s the video of FiFi’s debut.

Fifi’s Debut

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