Wednesday, January 15, 2025

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Allie discusses the importance of storytelling and building one’s character

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Fight Network’s YouTube mini-series Adaptation is back with a new episode featuring Impact Wrestling Knockout Allie. In the episode, Allie talks first breaking into the wrestling business, the growth and storytelling of her Allie character and shares what she hopes to take away from wrestling. Highlights of the interview below.

On first breaking into wrestling: “I’ve been wrestling since 2004 and I had my first match on May 15th, 2005. So it was about eight months after I started training and from there I was slowly started getting bookings. Slowly, slowly, slowly and eventually I was pretty busy but I primarily worked out of Canada. I would say the first five years of my career I was wrestling on the Ontario indies. I slowly made my way into the United States working little shows here and there. Flash forward another five years, almost all of my bookings were in the US. Now I only come back to Canada periodically and I really get excited to come home.

On the growth of her Allie persona: “I was nervous at first because again, my goal was always to be a women’s wrestler. This is what I do, I wrestle. I’m not arm candy, I’m not that, I’m a wrestler. So to be put in a position where it’s like ‘No, you’re not a wrestler today. You’re this’. I was scared and I think anyone would be scared but I have to say the role is so much fun. I love Allie and I love who Allie is. I think there is more to Allie than what people have seen and I love the progression of her. As much as I was afraid at first and I was protective of myself as a wrestler, seeing how far the character has come in the last year, gives me hope that she’s going in the right direction. I’m just really excited for the moment that I am able to finally stand up for myself in a bigger capacity and more people to see that side. I know it will get there and it just takes time. I feel very fortunate to be part of a storyline that has had time to develop and I don’t think everyone gets that opportunity. I don’t think everyone has the opportunity to become a character and to give your all into a character then to have a payoff from it. I feel very fortunate that I was able to be put into the storyline with someone like Maria, who’s just such an amazing talent and to learn from her. To work one-on-one with her has been really helpful for me as a performer. To sort of watch Allie progress has been a lot of fun, it really has.

On what she hopes to take away from wrestling: “The one thing I hope I can do for people and I guess this is bigger than myself but the one thing that I really want to walk away from wrestling and feeling is that I inspired someone. I inspired a little girl. I inspired a little boy, I inspired a young woman who didn’t feel like could do it because to be completely truthful, I never thought I would get here. When I started wrestling, I didn’t step into the ring to get signed somewhere. I stepped into a ring because I wanted to wrestle. I didn’t even know if I’d have a match honestly. I was terrible when I started, nothing came easy. It was so hard. So if I can walk away from the business at one point and motivate someone else to live their dream, whatever their dream is, I’ve done what I set out to do.

Allie also discusses signing with Impact alongside Braxton Sutter, her first Impact Wrestling match during Gail Kim’s open challenge and some of wrestling inspirations.

Watch the full interview below:

What did you think of the interview? Where would you like to see Allie’s character go next on Impact Wrestling? Who else would you like to see featured on Fight Network’s Adaptation? Let us know in the comments below!

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