Friday, March 14, 2025

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Alundra Blayze Speaks on Her Infamous Defection to WCW & Trashing Women’s Title

Former WWE Women’s Champion, Alundra Blayze (Madusa), who famously defected to WCW and dropped the Women’s Title in a trash can, is profiled in the latest ‘Where Are They Now?’ at

Of that situation, she says:

The longest running question to this day is why in the hell did you throw the title in the trash can?” Miceli said. “Well, I was under contract and [former WCW President] Eric Bischoff told me to do it. It was either that or I was out the door.'”

Caught in the middle of the brewing ratings battle between WWE and WCW, Miceli, who had just left WWE on good terms, went through with the stunt and found herself the target of serious backlash. An injustice, Miceli believed, that only fell on her because of her gender.

“If I was a guy I would’ve been on the cover of every magazine,” Miceli said. “Because I was a woman, I was called a disgrace to the business. That’s the truth.”

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