Wednesday, January 8, 2025

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Another Wrinkle in “Tattoo-Gate” as Knockouts Champion Gets Involved

brooke-angelinaWho’d have thought tattoos would be the cause of so much consternation between current and former Knockouts?

Following biting cryptic tweets sent by former Knockout Angelina Love and current TNA star Brooke Tessmacher earlier this week, reigning Knockouts Champion Velvet Sky appeared to get involved in the debacle with a cryptic tweet of her own.

RELATED: Meow! Current and Former Knockouts Exchange Swipes on Twitter

Velvet is, of course, close allies with Angelina, having been part of seminal Knockouts group The Beautiful People together, but the situation is made rather sticky considering she and Brooke are current Knockouts and therefore share a lockerroom.

On Friday, Brooke responded to a question about her thoughts on hand tattoos, tweeting: “On ladies no. Tats should be coverable. Classy not trashy.”

The champion — in her own words — “played along” by joining the drama yesterday. She tweeted:

Asked by a fan why she was getting involved, Velvet hit back: “it’s called playing along, kid. Myob (sic)” (“Myob” meaning ‘Mind your own business’ for those not versed in Internet jargon.)

Though she didn’t directly respond, Brooke appeared to agree with the sentiments of one fan, favoriting a message reading: “@VelVelHoller if you want to talk about somebody why don’t you tag @BrookeTess in your tweets?”

While we’re used to seeing TV feuds spill over onto Twitter, this has the makings of a feud we’d much like to see spill over onto TV.

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