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Best Moments from 2014: Dixie Carter Goes Through a Table

As 2014 draws to a close, Diva Dirt writers have each picked a personal highlight to reminisce on the year gone by.

Note: This isn’t a ranking of 2014’s best moments. These are moments that were personal highlights for each writer.

Josue’s Pick: Dixie Carter goes through a table

What a roller coaster year it has been for TNA President Dixie Carter, both on and off screen. In between managing the business side of her company, the year 2014 was also the year that saw the leader of DixieLand begin a full on feud with a man who has a history of doing harm to vulnerable women; I’m of course referring to the one and only Bully Ray.

This bad blood between Madam Carter and the former Aces & Eights president all began at Lockdown earlier this year, where at the time, Dixie had been in a separate feud with secret investor MVP. To determine who would have control over TNAs operations, the two had picked their respective tag teams that would go to war for them.

To insure her team would get a secure win, the cunning Dixie Carter introduced a surprise guest referee for the Lethal Lockdown match- that referee being Bully Ray. Little did Dixie know that her little “surprise” would also be her downfall, as Bully double crossed Team Dixie, throwing her out of power, labeling her to be the most hated woman in wrestling today and leaving Dixie with a desire for revenge.

Following the aftermath of Lockdown, Bully had made a promise to wrestling fans that he would one day put Dixie Carter through a table and soon the hunt began! The chase took many twists and turns, with Dixie nearly escaping being put through wood thanks to a combination of a scruffy disguise, her beloved nephew, ECIII, and lap dog at the time, Rockstar Spud.

Aunt D’s luck would eventually come to an end, one summer night at the Manhattan Center in New York City. It was on the night of August 7th, 2014 (taped date June 27th, 2014) that Dixie’s Doom Day had arrived. Surrounded by her muscular henchmen who had failed her once already, the outspoken Dixie went on a rant, firing everyone in the ring and wanting to close the night down. Cue in Team 3-D, a table, enthusiastic TNA fans and a circle of TNA babyfaces surrounding the ring to ensure Dixie doesn’t escape and you’ve got a formula for a classic moment in 2014!

With nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, #ItHappens and the evil witch Dixie Carter finally gets what comes to her- a super powerbomb from the turnbuckle and onto a table! The roar from the Manhattan Center erupts into celebration with the loudest “TNA!” chants I’ve heard in a very long time!

Now of course, there was some controversy to this segment; so much that this episode of Impact came with a disclaimer at the start of the show. Yes, we may be in a different era where violence against women is unacceptable and maybe the portrayal of seeing a middle aged woman go through a table, with fans cheering and no one helping her comes across as scorn but this was the story that TNA were telling. A story that was being well told by everyone involved and had an ending that satisfied ALL fans. It satisfied those who were getting tired of Dixie’s onscreen persona, waiting for her to be written off and it also satisfied fans who were following the story (which was arguably the best and most memorable story to come out of TNA this year) from the beginning, wanting to see the moment Dixie would get what was coming to her.

While I (and many) may not agree with some of Dixie’s decisions when it comes to certain things, I give her major props for really stepping it up and taking such an intense bump for the company, a task that is not easy for someone who her age and isn’t a trained athlete at all. So for all ups and downs Dixie may have gone through this year (on and off screen), one thing that Dixie can take away from 2014 is that she literally broke her back for TNA.

What did you think of this moment?

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