Thursday, March 20, 2025

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Candy Coated Comeback


Great news for all you Candice Michelle fans. According to the SmackDown Divas’ official twitter page (divacandicem), she’s preparing for a comeback. Here’s a quote:

Great news…I will be back in the ring this month!

Good to see her on the right track, but one has to wonder what role she’ll play in the newly reformed SD Diva Roster. She really missed her post-draft window of opportunity, being injured and all. At this point, all the Divas have settled into their roles quite nicely, leaving little room for our injury prone vixen. I see her filling in for the currently M.I.A Maria as tag team filler for the time being, but maybe she’ll surprise us. In any case, well wishes on your return Candice! Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope she doesn’t pull a Kennedy.

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