Happy New Year, everyone! Tonight, CMLL had their first show of the year, called Sin Salida. It featured a six Amazonians tag team match.
The Mexican National Women’s Tag Team Champions Skadi and Kira teamed up with veteran Princesa Sugehit against the team of newbie Candela, and the sisters Hera and Olympia.
All the amazonians showcased themselves throughout the match. The national tag team champions were able to take the upper hand with their tag team moves throughout the match with an assisted diving hurracarrana and senton respectively.
After Skadi did a suplex on the ring apron, she was pinned by Hera after a missile dropkick from the top rope.
Although there was some miscommunication during the match, it was nice to have some of the younger talent involved. I felt the match started to pick up by the end and once the tag teams started doing their tag combo moves. Hopefully, this win allows Hera and Olympia to challenge for the national tag titles.
That is it for now. Happy 2025!