Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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CMLL Weekly Review: Persephone Steals The Win, While Zeuxis Eats the Pin

Hello Everyone, This week we have three matches that occurred last Tuesday and Friday of this week. The first show was taped from La Arena Coliseo del Occidente, from Guadalajara, Jalisco. It had two tag team matches. While Friday’s show featured a six Amazonians tag match from the Iconic Arena México.

The first tag match was between the local talent from Gaudalajara, featuring the team-ups Adira and Nexy against Valkyria and Hatanna.

The team-up of Hatanna and Valkyria was able to score the first fall via submission but lost the tag match against the Bayface team of Adira and Nexy.

The second match was contested between the team-up of La Catalina and one half of the CMLL World Women’s Tag Team Champions, Lluvia. against the reigning champions, the CMLL World Women’s Champion Zeuxis and the Mexican National Women’s Champion, Sanely. 

In a more fast-paced match, the Champions were able to score the first fall via submission but were unable to complete the job and lost the match to La Catalina and Lluvia, first with a camel clutch, and the second fall was made through a roll-up on both competitors. 

Tuesday’s show felt more like an exhibition show or a house show and was taped and showcased for free on YouTube.

Moving on to Friday’s show, we had a six Amazonians, two out of three tag team match, between La Catalina and the CMLL World Women’s Tag Champions Lluvia and Tessa Blanchard versus the CMLL World Women’s Champion Zeuxis, Reyna Isis, and Persephone. 

Persephone was able to score the big win for her team with some assistance from the ropes, pining one half of the tag champions, Tessa Blanchard.

Overall, it was an okay showing for all the ladies; obviously, we know what they are capable of doing. I just wish we could get some kind of storyline progression and more contenders for the championship. 

CMLL announced that next Monday they will have a holiday-themed tournament to celebrate Mexican Revolution Day, and they also announced a furute crossover show for December featuring AEW talent.

With that said, who would you like to win the tournament? Is there any AEW talent that you would like to see in CMLL? Let us know in the comments below!

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