Welcome to this week’s Power 15 Rankings curated by us here at Diva-Dirt. This week we are reviewing women’s action across several companies.
As well as the 15 women featured, two wildcards will be featured each week chosen by Nick and Gary. These wildcards are for women who didn’t quite make the ranking but are ones to watch for the week ahead. Without further ado, let’s get in to it.
Please Note: This list is subjective to us at Diva Dirt. We encourage our readers for respectful and enjoyable conversations.
Gary’s Wildcard – Candice LeRae & Michin

Candice LeRae has been featured in a few segments as of late hinting to a storyline with Nikki Cross but she’s also briefly made an alliance with Mia Yim. This week, the duo teamed up against the odd couple of Dana Brooke and Tamina.
WWE have started to remember they have a tag team division now that’s Wrestlemania season so it’s nice to get some decent matches involving teams. LeRae and Yim put away Tamina with an impressive Sole Food/Lionsault combo. I am hopeful this next week, we see more of the pair has a cohesive unit.
Nick’s Wildcard – Skye Blue

Despite her young age, Saraya is considered a top performer within the wrestling industry so any time you are given the chance to face her, it’s quite an honour.
This week, Skye Blue was in receipt of this honour and gave Saraya one of her few singles matches since being cleared for in-ring action. Blue did not win the match but gave Saraya the perfect babyface in peril to continue her and Toni Storm‘s mean girl routine.
As ROH prepares to make it’s return, we are hopeful to see more talent like Skye Blue get the chance to shine.