Akin to the Power 25 Rankings that WWE used to post, Diva-Dirt is announcing the debut of its own Power 15 rankings where we will evaluate all of the women’s wrestling across WWE, AEW, and Impact from the week and attempt our own ranking. (Note: We are including Royal Rumble in this week’s rankings) This will be a weekly article posting on Sundays.
This will include matches from the secondary shows such as Main Event, LVL Up, and Dark, for example as part of our decision-making alongside other factors and tag teams can be featured together for their collective performance that week.
As well as the 15 women featured, two wildcards will be featured each week chosen by Nick and Gary. These wildcards are for women who didn’t quite make the ranking but are ones to watch for the week ahead. Without further ado, let’s get in to it.
Please Note: This list is subjective to us at Diva Dirt. We encourage our readers for respectful and enjoyable conversations.
Gary’s Wildcard – Sol Ruca

This week, Sol Ruca was featured on both NXT and NXT LVL Up, setting her up for a potential feud and continuing her winning ways. We saw her come to the aid of Indi Hartwell after she suffered a loss to Zoey Stark. Stark would continue to attack Hartwell until Ruca, who had clashed with Stark backstage, made the save.
On LVL Up, a show Ruca has featured on regularly, saw her in a competitive match-up against Lash Legend. Both women looked spectacular in the match but it was Ruca powering through a weakened shoulder to still manage to hit the breath-taking Sol Snatcher that got her the victory.
I am confident Ruca will break in to the rankings next week and be there for many weeks to come.
Nick’s Wildcard – Chelsea Green

The Royal Rumble saw several surprises but one that garnered one of the biggest reactions was the return of Chelsea Green.
Her last appearance for WWE was in November 2020, and the reaction to her return was second in surprise to how quickly she left the Royal Rumble. A dismal five seconds put her in the record books as the shortest time spent in a Women’s Royal Rumble. We next saw Chelsea Green on RAW as she spoke to Adam Pearce about the accommodations made for her not being to her liking. This behaviour hints at the new character rumored for Green and it has women’s wrestling fans talking about what is next for her in this second run in WWE.
She is already creating buzz and may just make the list of 15 next week.