Have you ever thought that a certain Diva resembled another celebrity out there? Ever done double-take while watching a movie or TV show and thought “Hang on, isn’t that so-and-so?” Well we certainly have! Diva Dirt’s Dead Ringers aims to seek out our Divas celeb dopplegangers and highlight them here, for you to vote whether there’s a passing resemblance or not! Also feel free to suggest your own dead ringers by e-mailing us at divadirt@gmail.com.
The Diva: Diva Search winner & ‘Most Stylish’ Diva, Layla.
The Celeb: 33-year old Marsha Thomason, who has previously appeared in TV shows such as Las Vegas, Lost and is currently seen on Make It or Break It.
With a similar skin complexion & similar hair, it was an uncanny likeness when I first saw Marsha as Naomi on Lost. And the likeness didn’t stop there — when Marsha spoke, she revealed her British accent. Unlike Layla though, Marsha is from Manchester and has more of a northern accent mixed with an American accent that she seems to have adopted. Meanwhile Layla has a mixed London-American accent.
Is Marsha a dead ringer for Layla? Vote below:
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PS: Feel free to recommend your own dead ringers by e-mail or comment.