Welcome to Diva B-Sides, the Diva Dirt exclusive where we match WWEÂ Divas and TNA Knockouts with new entrance themes. In honor of this Sunday’s PPV, The Bash, I’ve decided to take exception to my new one-Diva-per-post rule to bring you guys a B-Side for both the champion and the challenger. Let’s get right into things with the #1 contender Michelle McCool:
I think we can all agree that Michelle’s current theme has long wore out it’s welcome. It just doesn’t fit her new persona. She could also stand to change that tron, because running along the beach in a skimpy bikini just doesnt scream ‘heel’ to me. Alas that’s another post for another time.
At first listen, this song might not seem to fit Michelle, but I think it’s message of being a powerful woman, girl power etc. fits her perfectly. I think that a song with so much character such as this one could help McCool make up in the charisma department (where she is somewhat lacking).
[audio:04 Breakin’ Dishes.mp3]
 Melina‘s Pick after the break:
I’m pretty sure that this is going to spark up some debate, as Melina’s theme, ‘Paparazzi’ is one of the most popular Diva themes. However, like Michelle’s theme, I feel that it’s run its course.
No one can deny that Melina is a star in her own right, so it’s only fitting that I pick a song with ‘Star’ in the title. I feel Melina could really work this bass-driven tune while strutting down the red carpet like only she can. With any luck, Melina can make sure Michelle is Starstruck as well, so she can pick up the win.
[audio:09 Starstruck.mp3]
What did did you guys think? Are you putting these tracks on ‘repeat’ or are you searching for the ‘skip’ button? Leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments. Also if you have any Diva B-Sides of your own, send them to me at steven@diva-dirt.com with Diva B-sides in the subject line. Maybe you’ll see your idea in a future post.