Sunday, January 5, 2025

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Diva Dirt’s Wishes and Predictions for 2012

Ahem, so it may be past midnight on January 1st in the UK making this post a little late, but it’s still 2011 somewhere!

It’s that time of year again when we make our annual wishes and predictions for women’s wrestling in the year ahead. Previous wishes/predictions posts here (2010) and here (2011).

2012 Wishes
* We want Naomi and we want her now! #WeWantNaomi… Tweet it, people!
* Sarita for Knockouts Champion. It’s long overdue!
* Jessicka Havok to stay out of prison. We love you and your matches, but don’t kill someone and spoil the fun!
* We wanted it last year and we still want it this year: Beth Phoenix vs Natalya. The time is now!
* Continued prosperity for Cheerleader Melissa as SHIMMER Champion.
* More great women’s wrestling on Internet pay per view! We’ve seen WSU deliver this year and raise their profile in the process. How about more promotions feature women on iPPV and give the world a chance to see them?
* Maxine to finally reach the top and be the amazing Diva she is destined to be!
* Sara Del Rey to have her dream of joining WWE come true. She deserves the big money contract!
* More focus on the Divas division. 2011 has not been a good year. We’ll remain hopeful for 2012 though not holding our breath.

2012 Predictions
* Knockouts Championship reigns for Mickie James, Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne.
* Another prominent independent name to be signed by WWE.
* Divas Championship reigns for Kelly Kelly and Layla.
* Jessicka Havok will win the WSU World Championship.
* Lita will return to the ring.
* A Diva or Knockout will retire rather than being released, but who?
* The Divas reality show on WWE Network will not meet our expectations.
* ROH will go ahead and launch its proposed women’s division and we will all be joyous.
* Shaul Guerrero will be called up to the main roster and get a decent sized push.
* Karen Jarrett will return and we will be ecstatic at the resurrection of Miss Karen.

Those are our wishes and predictions, now it’s your turn! What are you wishing and predicting for 2012?

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