Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Elimination Chamber Predictions: Nikki Bella vs. Natalya

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Tonight at Elimination Chamber, Nikki Bella and Natalya will take their personal feud to the ring in a one-on-one match. Who will come out on top? The Diva Dirt team weighs in:

Abir: These are my two favourite women in WWE right now. I think both are going to kick ass, and although I’d prefer Nattie to get the upper hand in the end,  Nikki will come out victorious – and set her up for a big ‘Mania match.

Alex: Nattie’s heel turn has been really great for getting interest back in her character, but I don’t think she needs the win here. Nikki has generally been flying under the radar later in terms of in-ring competition, so I’m thinking a win tonight will help to put her back in the picture. I can imagine Nikki getting the win via the Rack attack 2.0.

Candace: Nikki Bella

Jack: This feud has been absolutely INCREDIBLE. This match is also the least predictable for me too. I could see Nattie winning, giving her momentum to perhaps challenge Naomi as a heel challenger should she win the title? A downtrodden Nikki would then be suitable for Maryse to insult, should that rumored Mania storyline come to fruition. I’m going out on a limb and saying Nattie will win. She’s yet to have a consequential win as a heel, so now would be a perfect time.

Josue: This feud is basically Nikki versus Carmella with more personal and blurred kayfabe jabs between these two women. Though I’ve had a couple of laughs from Natalya’s heel turn, just like No Mercy, I’m predicting that Nikki will be victorious here; all while picking up a bit of momentum before WrestleMania rolls around.

Kyle: Thank God for this feud. It is everything I love in a feud: bitchy, violent and with shade on the highest level of petty possible. Nikki is a SOLDIER for allowing this much of her personal life in a storyline and it has added much dimension to the feud. With rumors swirling about Nikki’s neck and career hanging in the balance, the safe bet is for Natalya to win this match. And it’ll still be a good watch with Nattie being the exceptional worker she is and she’ll find a way to make this enjoyable (if the rumors of an injury are true). Nattie’s become quite the excellent personality lately and it’ll be nice to see the Queen of Cattitude win on a big stage.

Matthew: Natalya versus Nikki has everything you want in a rivalry: Cheap shots, verbal assaults, all the essentials. From revealing personal lives to scraps, this match will be brutal like the Pistons-Bulls rivalry of the early 1980’s to the mid 1990’s. I’ll pick Nikki for the win.

Stephanie: This feud has had everything and it’s successfully given Nattie life as a heel. Because Nikki has been beaten down so much, in typical underdog fashion, Nikki will get the win here. That’s not to say the feud will be over yet, it may continue in order to put Nattie on the map as the true veteran heel she was always meant to be.

BREAKDOWN: 2 for Natalya, 6 for Nikki.

RELATED: The 2017 Team Diva Dirt PPV Prediction Scoreboard

Who do you agree with? Who is just dead wrong? What are your predictions? Sound off in the comments below!

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