Thursday, December 26, 2024

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Exclusive: Miss USA Rima Fakih Speaks on Tough Enough Elimination, Reveals Rib Injury & More

After being eliminated on WWE Tough Enough this past Monday night, Diva Dirt catches up with Miss USA, Rima Fakih to discuss her shock exit. Rima spills the beans on a previously undisclosed rib injury that led to her being cut — and reveals who’s responsible for the injury. We also talk to Miss USA about her highlights on the show, thoughts on the other contestants (which girl is Rima not a fan of?), Trish and what happened between her and Andy that led to her throwing a drink in his face!

Download the interview by right-clicking here and selecting ‘Save Target As’ or stream the interview below:


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Follow Rima on Twitter: @TheRealMissUSA and @OfficialRima.

Follow Melanie on Twitter: @MelanieTeamDD.

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