Monday, March 17, 2025

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Exclusive: Roxxi Dishes on Her Release, Rhaka Khan and More


Diva Dirt had the great opportunity to speak to recently departed TNA Knockout, Roxxi aka Nikki Roxx. Among the highlights, we talk to Roxxi about her release and that situation with Rhaka Khan. Plus Nikki’s thoughts on working for WWE, the Knockouts Championship and much more.

Nikki, thank you for taking the time out to do this interview with us. Diving right in, the obvious lead question would be about your TNA departure. Three weeks ago on your Twitter page, you wished TNA well in their future endeavors. There are conflicting reports about the situation; some say you requested the release and some say you were released by the company. Can you cast your mind back and tell us about the whole release?
I was told TNA’s creative team had just gone as far as they can with my character. They are taking the company in a new direction.

In regards to TNA, over the past couple of months there has been talk of an altercation between you and fellow Knockout, Rhaka Khan that led to a 60 day suspension? Can you shed light on that for us?
There was an altercation but that stuff happens in wrestling. There was a miscommunication in the ring between her and I, but it was solved that day. Her and I are actually friends. As for the suspension I have no idea what that was about. I was never told I was on suspension.

Do you have any reason to believe that situation may have led to your departure from the company?
I would hate to think that was the reasoning. But from what I was told it was not.

There have been a lot of rumours in regards to Rhaka aside from the situation with yourself, from a trading card incident, to her so-called political stroke with Kurt Angle and more recently, working stiff with newcomer Madison Rayne. From working with her, can you tell us what your personal opinion of her is?
My personal opinion of her is she is a good character but just needs a little more training in the ring is all.  She’s in a great place for that. Having that many great wrestlers surrounding her it should take no time.

Getting a little more positive – You had quite a memorable run in TNA. From working with BG James and Kip James to working the Sacrifice ladder match where you had your head shaved. What are your personal highlights?
My personal highlight would be the five-way match that was right before the Bound for Glory that crowned Gail to be the first ever Knockouts Champion.  It was Gail, Traci Brooks, Jackie Moore, Christy Hemme and myself.  It was such a good feeling to have the fans give us the same chants and attention as the guys.

Speaking of that ladder match, how did the head-shaving come about? Was it a ‘draw straws’ situation or did they have a clear Knockout in mind?
I’m not positive on that.  It was something creative had come up with and asked me.  I’m not sure if anyone else was asked.

Any of it you wish you could do-over or regret?
You can never have regrets in life.  I wouldn’t change anything.  I loved my time with TNA and I put my heart into everything I did there.

Having looked at your Twitter page and seen your tweets to the likes of Taylor Wilde, Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed, it looks as though the Knockouts are pretty close-knit. Is it a big family affair backstage?
It is for sure and that’s what I loved the most about being there.  From the Knockouts to the guys, it was a great atmosphere.

Obviously, compared to WWE there wasn’t a pressure to conform to a certain look among the Knockouts. Was there any dress code for performing or any pressure at all, that maybe we don’t know about? Or did you guys have complete freedom?
It was really easy going backstage.  No dress codes. As for characters you would need to see if what you had in mind was the same thing creative had in mind but they were easy to work with.

Your character evolved from ‘Voodoo Queen’ to the ‘Hardcore Knockout’, do you have a preference?
I didn’t mind either.  I had gotten comfortable as the Voodoo Queen and had to make the change.  I just think I needed a little more time to get comfortable doing the Hardcore Knockout.

Looking at the Knockouts roster, of the girls that started the Knockouts division, the Knockouts Championship unfortunately eluded you and continues to elude ODB. No doubt that’s the ultimate goal for every woman in the company, any thoughts on that never coming to fruition?
It for sure is a goal for all the girls, but I think creative has a plan in mind and there’s no doubt ODB will one day hold the championship.

Of course, we have to ask you, what is it like working in the ring with Kong?
Kong is an amazing wrestler. One of my personal favorites in the ring. She works hard and makes you work hard for her. But don’t get me wrong she is like a MAC truck in there [laughs].

Now last August, Gail Kim shocked the wrestling world when she abruptly left TNA and later rejoined WWE. Being there at the time, was it a huge blow to the Knockouts division? Do you remember how you found out? And thoughts on Gail in general?
For me it was a huge blow. My first ever match [in wrestling] was against Gail. I look up to her and Traci Brooks, they have helped me so much. The way I found out was Gail had called me and let me know the situation. Gail is an amazing athlete and person in general.

What a lot of fans would want to know – would you jump to WWE if opportunity knocked? Or would you ever consider a TNA return?
I would love to be back at TNA, mostly because I thought of it as home but I would for sure work for WWE if they had a position for me.

Hypothetically, in WWE, which Divas would you want to work with and why?
I would want to work with all of them!  I love the challenge of wrestling with new people and having so many options.

As we were talking about earlier, WWE certainly has a ‘look’ for their Divas. What is your stance on changing your look to conform to an industry standard? What advice would you give to aspiring young women out there?
Well, I think I look different than most of the Divas, but I think it’s a good thing. It’s nice to mix it up some. For aspiring girls work hard and don’t give up. This is a hard road to walk down but it pays off in the end.

Which female wrestlers, past or present, do you admire or look up to?
Malia Hosaka, Aja Kong and Bull Nakono

What is next for Nikki? We know you’ve just worked the SHIMMER DVD tapings, can we expect to see more of you in SHIMMER? And do you think SHIMMER could look at a TV deal?
Right now I’m kind of regrouping and working on the independents. Seeing old friends is great! I have been with SHIMMER since the beginning, so you’ll for sure see me there!

Speaking of TV deals, have you heard of the new all-female promotion Wrestlicious? Any chance of us hearing you sing the Wrestlicious jingle in future? [Laughs]
I would totally love to rap on that and be a part of that show!

Oprah moment – What have you learned in your time in the industry thus far? Any valuable advice or life experience you could pass on to other female wrestlers or aspiring ones that are reading?
Just mostly what I said before. This isn’t easy and don’t expect it to be.

And with that, we’ll wrap up! Thank you so much for your time. Any last words for your fans and followers at Diva Dirt?
Thank you so much for all the support I’ve received and it’s more than appreciated.

— You can catch Roxxi on Twitter at

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