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FCW Live Event Notes & Pictures from January 21st, 2012: Layla Appears, Britani Knight, Kaitlyn & More

Hiya everybody (insert “Hi, Dr. Nick” reply from you all) and welcome to another one of those rare FCW related segments that does not take place on television.

This weekend I attended another thrilling, chilling live event from the developmental territory, which featured some pretty stellar matches and a meet and greet with former WWE Women’s Champion, Layla, who was nothing short of awesome. She was easy to talk to and very great to meet, as she talked a little about how frightening her recent injury was and that she’s on the road to recovery. On top that, there was also an assortment of FCW Superstars and Divas around the arena to meet throughout the show as well.

But as always, there was also a match involving the Divas of FCW, which saw current reigning Queen and Divas Champion, Raquel Diaz team up with former Tough Enough standout, Sofia Cortez (Ivelisse Velez) as they took on the fan favorites Audrey Marie and SmackDown Diva, Kaitlyn. Not only that, but the special guest referee was none other than new signee, Saraya (Britani Knight), who was decked out in her finest stripes to officiate the contest.

Check out some highlights and pictures below:

* Danielle Moinet covered the announcing duties and did a great job. She would get a lot of “woos” from the crowd every time she entered the ring, which was pretty funny (especially considering the main event was a “no ring ropes” match so she pretended to enter through them anyways to get the reaction).

* Saraya made her way out from the back as the referee which immediately caused me to erupt in a round of applause in her presence.

* Raquel and Sofia entered to Angela Fong‘s old music randomly, but they were full on heel during their entrance and looked great together.

* Kaitlyn and Audrey entered to “You Make the Rain Fall” I believe, which is of course the greatest song known to man.

* Before the bell sounded, Saraya hilariously checked all four girls for weapons, which included slapping Audrey on the bottom and irking Sofia when she did the same to her.

* The match was actually pretty awesome. I remember one spot where Audrey Marie did a matrix to dodge Raquel’s clothesline and then flipped herself backwards into a whirlybird headscissors (while in chaps… now that takes talent).

* Sofia and Raquel worked Audrey over for the most part, as the crowd kept getting behind the cow girl to tag in Kaitlyn.

* Once Kaitlyn got the tag in, she erupted all over the duo. Off the top of my head, I think of this one shoulder tackle she did that looked like a jet because she flew so fast. All of her moves were great and she looked really comfortable in the ring. She’s improved dramatically since her season of NXT and hopefully she gets some more matches on TV to show it off.

* The end came when Raquel hit a Thesz Press on Audrey to take both of them out of the equation and leave Kaitlyn and Sofia (who have insane chemistry together) alone. Kaitlyn lifted Sofia up into the air in an elevated full nelson type submission, but Sofia managed to roll through it into a victory roll for the three count.

* After the match, Raquel and Sofia ran up the ramp as the Divas Champion snapped at Danielle to not take so long bringing her crown and title next time.

* Overall, definitely a great show and time at the event. Anyone who lives in a Florida area (as they pretty much travel all over the state) should check one out whenever they can.

For your viewing pleasure, check out the following pictures that (match wise) can be credited to my friend, Casey because frankly I don’t want to kill anyone’s eyes trying to view the ones taken on my dinky camera haha:

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