Friday, March 14, 2025

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FCW Taping Spoilers for February & Early March Shows

WWE’s developmental territory, Florida Championship Wrestling, taped another three weeks of shows to air throughout the month of February.

Check out the Diva related results below:

February 26th
– Match Number Two: Seth Rollins defeated Rick Victor with a curb stomp. During the match, a woman was watching the match, possibly scouting Rollins. (Note from Bobby: This woman is Saraya/Britani Knight)

– After the (Dean Ambrose vs. Sakamoto) match, Ambrose stares down Regal at the announce table. Danielle and Rob Naylor come out to try to talk to Ambrose but Ambrose leaves. Danielle looks at Regal as an option.

– FCW Divas Champion and Queen of FCW Raquel Diaz came out and she wants to know where her banner is on the wall in the building. She mentions that she will defend her title next week against two challengers.

March 4th 
– Match Number Two: Seth Rollins defeated Brad Maddox (with Danielle and Rob Naylor) with a curb stomp. During the match, Danielle tried to interfere but the mystery woman (Note from Bobby: Saraya/Britani Knight) who watched Rollins in his last match came out to attack Danielle and stop her.

– Match Number Four: FCW Divas Champion and Queen of FCW Raquel Diaz successfully defended the FCW Divas Title against Sofia Cortez and Audrey Marie when Raquel pinned Sofia after Audrey kicked out of a rollup by Raquel. (Source)


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