Tuesday, December 17, 2024

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FCW Watch: Courtney Taylor vs. AJ Lee; Aksana Debuts

The latest bits of FCW to hit YouTube have surfaced, originating from the November 28th show. First, we have a match featuring the former WWE Diva (for all of 3 weeks) Courtney Taylor and AJ Lee. “Queen of FCW” Mia Mancini is at ringside to survey the match:

I have to say, starting a match with a rest hold doesn’t exactly allow one to hold much promise for an exciting match. Overall, it looks as though both girls were stuck in slow-mo–even the arm drags were slow. Courtney’s definitely giving me a Kelly Kelly vibe, especially with the ginger ring movements and flashy moves (what exactly was that handstand move in the corner, by the way?). AJ and Courtney just didn’t seem to have much chemistry, with mis-timed exchanges scattered throughout the match. They never got out of the starting gate and seemed preoccupied with slowing the match down to avoid any mishaps. The only excitement I got out of the whole match was AJ’s finisher, and even that was set up awkwardly.

So the match wasn’t much at all, but why did it fall so short? AJ looks to have a lot of potential, but Courtney seems to be a little uncomfortable in the ring so far, and that severely limited the match as a whole. Hopefully she can improve her ring presence and buck the inevitable Kelly Kelly comparisons (like the one I made above.. oops).

Next we have an edition of the Abraham Washington Show, with Liviana accompanying FCW’s GM to the ring. His guest is new FCW Diva Aksana, who we featured on the site last month:

The announcers make comparisons between her and Pamela Anderson, and I can see it, but she hails from Lithuania and speaks in broken English, so I guess the comparisons end on the surface. She tells Abraham that she wants to be the next Queen of FCW (what is with obsession over that damn title?). Abraham continuously hits on her throughout the interview (with slightly less subtlety than a jackhammer), prompting Liviana to object a few times. He offers Aksana a place on his “cabinet” and gets her to says something in Lithuanian, but she is interrupted by the entrance of Eli Cottonwood, who everyone but Aksana seems repulsed by. He says a few nonsensical things, and she follows him around the ring a bit, seeming to be smitten. I guess what all of this amounts to is that this Frankenstein’s monster-esque guy has some new arm candy. They’re going for the “Beauty and the Beast” vibe, I’m guessing. That is, you know, if the Beast waxed poetic about the sound of bones in wood chippers..

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