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FCW Watch (December 18th, 2011): Latina Heat Sizzles, Maxine Rules with an Iron Fist & Danielle Moinet Debuts

Greetings everybody, and welcome to another titillating (I promise I’ll never use that word again) FCW Watch. On this week’s episode, our reigning and defending espionage themed Queen, Aksana, puts her crown on the line against Latina Heat herself, Raquel Diaz (Shaul Guerrero) in singles action. With Aksana and her brilliant translations of the English language greeting us every Friday on SmackDown, can Raquel prove that she deserves a spot on the main roster as well by not only defeating the queen, but relinquishing the crown from her sharp black haired head? Also, what is in store when General Manager, Maxine opens the show with the entire roster at ringside? AND, how will newcomer, Danielle Moinet, make her on screen debut?!

There is only one way to find out… scroll on down and let’s begin!

After a video package is shown highlighting the past few weeks of action involving the ongoing feud between (the phenomenal) Husky Harris and Richie Steamboat, General Manager Maxine makes her way out to the ring alongside Norman Smiley, as the entire roster is shown surrounding it. Norman hands her a microphone, as she announces that she has called everyone here for a reason. Maxine informs them that she is the FCW General Manager, and that this is HER show which means they will all follow her rules.

She claims that Husky Harris and Richie Steamboat have ignored her rules, and therefore she has suspended them both for thirty days. As I become enraged at the thought of no Husky Harris on TV for a month, Maxine continues on by asking if there is anyone else that wants to ignore her? Nobody steps forward, so Maxine moves on with the show she has set up tonight that will include Aksana defending her Queen of FCW crown against Raquel Diaz. She hopes that the fans will enjoy the show, and that everyone on the roster will learn to just get along so that these meetings do not have to happen again. She and Norman then make their way to the back, as the roster is left eyeing her down… and Derrick Bateman BRILLIANTLY follows his NXT soulmate.

Skip to 1:38

We head back out to the ring as a new male ring announcer welcomes us to the following Divas match, which will be contested for the Queen of FCW crown. Our first comes the challenger, Raquel Diaz, who walks out with a grin across her face. The commentators make note of the Ascension not being present, as Raquel wants to show her worth on her own terms, and with no help at all. After some posing, the Queen of FCW, Aksana, struts her way out to the ring through the smoke and lights. Holding her crown out for the world to see, she walks up the steps and enters through the ropes to get the match started.

The referee holds the prize up, as the bell sounds and we get started. They go to lock up, but Aksana takes control with a kick to the stomach, before shoving her head into the corner multiple times. Aksana then tosses Diaz to the center of the ring, but turns her attention to the referee, which allows Raquel to quickly roll her up for a near fall. Aksana goes for a clothesline, but Raquel ducks and executes a nice reverse roll up for another close call. Diaz punches Aksana in the stomach, and takes her to the corner with some head smashes and kicks to the abdomen.

Aksana proceeds to push Raquel away, which fires Diaz up to ambush her out of nowhere. Raquel executes a bodyslam for a one count, as the Queen quickly tries to save her title. Irish whip into the ropes, but Aksana holds on. Raquel then runs forward and hits some savvy kicks as she continues to dominate. Diaz leaps up to go for a jumping knee, but Aksana rolls out of the ring and sweeps her up by the leg. Aksana traps Raquel’s legs in the ring apron, before slamming her head to the canvas as the tides have turned.

Aksana starts to choke Raquel on the ropes for a close count, as she then applies a choke hold with a knee to the back. The crowd starts to get behind Latina Heat, which helps her bend up to attempt a comeback. The Queen sees this though, as she shoves her back down to the canvas and kicks her in the back. Raquel struggles to get up, as Aksana just toys with her. A Snapmare follows up, with an elbow by the Queen getting another near fall. Aksana hits some punch/kick combo to send the challenger down, as she then drops her with a neckbreaker.

Aksana goes for an elbow drop, but Raquel slides out of the way. The same then happens again, as Raquel starts to take control with a few European uppercuts. She goes for one too many though, as Aksana catches her arm into a backslide attempt for a two count. A few shoulder blocks commence, as Raquel then goes for a bodyslam, but Aksana counters into a roll up attempt…but Diaz keeps the hold locked in and then executes her family legacies three amigos! A two count follows up, as Raquel begins to throw a fit in the ring. The Queen tries to get up, but Raquel sets her up and drops her with a Gory Bomb for the victory! Raquel celebrates with her newly won crown, as the crowd applauds Latina Heat’s huge win. Some recaps are shown, as Raquel continues to pose with her prize.

Also, check out the newest FCW Diva, Danielle Moinet, in which she makes her debut as Abraham Washington’s new manager for a ringside promo:

Skip to 2:22

Thoughts: Jam packed night for FCW, and apologies for the late recap but the videos just became available as of Friday morning. First off, big congrats to Raquel for capturing the crown, and I can’t wait to see what she does with it. The match was okay, but I didn’t feel as if the two had much chemistry together. Obviously, this is their first contest against each other, and Raquel has only had a select few matches on the televised show. I’m hoping much like the title did for Audrey Marie, this helps her to elevate even more in the ring since she will be used as a wrestler instead of a manager. I love that she is incorporating her families move set, and I hope to see what more she can do after some added training.

The segment with Maxine was fun, and it was nice to see a lot of the Divas around ringside like Ivelisse and Danielle, whom we haven’t seen on TV prior to that segment. Speaking of Danielle, I enjoyed her promo with Abraham Washington, and I’m looking forward to seeing what these two do together. I’m glad to see she will be debuting in a role other than a ring announcer or interviewer until she begins training, as this could be a great way for people to get to know her character before she competes in any matches.

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