Friday, March 14, 2025

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Former Women’s Champion Reveals WWE Royalties

Former WWE Women’s Champion Madusa aka Alundra Blayze posted a picture (since deleted, see left) on her Facebook page recently, revealing she had received a royalty check from the WWE.

The total on the sheet attached showed a six digit number, leading many to believe that Madusa had made some serious bank.

However, the former WCW and WWE star has since clarified on her earnings via Twitter, writing: “Just to clear up the the royalty [check] from WWE to me: 1) I am not a liar, it did come to me. 2) It is the correct amount [but] did I post THAT was my total take? NO! Like any other entertainment company, I got very little, however, I am still making nice royalty checks. Thank you, WWE.”

It looks as though the total take — nearly $306,000 — may have been the back-end the talent involved received, one of whom is Madusa.

Either way, it’s gotta be nice to keep receiving checks long after being part of the company!

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