Sunday, March 16, 2025

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Gail Kim Interview with Baltimore Sun

TNA’s Gail Kim talked pretty in-depth with the Baltimore Sun, touching on many different topics. It’s a very insightful piece, some highlights below:

On her WWE release: Yeah, it really did. I remember us talking about a brand new story line at that time that was with me, Trish [Stratus] and Lita, and I actually went in the pre-tape room the day before. And then at Raw that night I did a run-in to start that whole angle, and then the very next day I got the phone call. So, yeah, I was shocked. Johnny Ace [John Laurinaitis, WWE senior vice president of talent relations] called me and basically said that I was released. And then he just tried to hang up (laughs). I wasn’t even upset; I was just in shock, I think. I said, “Hold on, hold on. Can I get a reason for this?” He just said that they wanted to change the direction of the women’s division. And they did; he didn’t lie about that. But everything happens for a reason, and I would never have accomplished everything that I have to this day if that never happened.

On WWE Divas vs TNA Knockouts: I think those girls are very hot and they look great and everything, but I think to succeed in this business you need to have the passion. A lot of girls that are in our company took it upon themselves to go get trained and learn about the business and pay their dues. If the fans watch our show, they can say, “Oh, that’s Awesome Kong, she’s this character. And ODB’s that nutty, crazy character, and Roxxi Laveaux is the gypsy character.” We have characters and we all have our own distinctive look. I think a lot of the time when you just see a lot of beautiful girls it kind of just all blends in together. You want something about yourself to stand out.

I thought those parts were the most interesting, for me personally. A different direction for the women’s division… he sure wasn’t kidding there. We were robbed of what could have been an awesome three-way match between Trish, Gail and Lita. All three have such different in-ring skills but all so talented, it could have been a fun feud. I certainly see where she’s coming from in terms of the Knockouts, they all seem to have their own niche gimmick and it’s great to see the character development among them. The whole interview is a fantastic read, be sure to check it out by clicking here.

Gail will be action this Sunday night on pay per view, be sure to order TNA LockDown for Gail and ODB taking on Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed. Not to mention Booker T & Sharmell taking on Robert Roode and Payton Banks as well as a Queen of the Cage match!

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