[media-credit name=”Photo: World Wonder Ring Stardom” align=”alignleft” width=”620″][/media-credit]
Heidi Lovelace and Hudson Envy are the latest American indy stars to make the leap to Japan.
The two are the first talents to join Stardom Japan through its USA branch, which was established in October. Former SHIMMER Champion Cheerleader Melissa serves as branch president and has been working directly with the talent to help them make the transition.
RELATED: Exclusive: Cheerleader Melissa Named USA Branch President for Stardom Wrestling
Lovelace and Envy will be featured on the New Year Star 2015 event, which takes place February 7th in Tokyo, Japan.
Stardom has created a Twitter account to connect to fans and talent in the United States. You can follow them @StardomUSA.
Stardom’s USA branch can also be reached via email at WwrStardomUSA@gmail.com.
Congratulations, Heidi and Hudson!