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Hit or Miss?: September 21st – 27th

Welcome to Hit or Miss?! We’ll be examining the week’s news bits and deeming them hits or misses. For instance, did a Diva develop some backstage heat? That’s a miss. What about a Knockout match receiving the highest ratings of the show? That’s a hit. I’ll rate each story by stars (out of 5) – more stars for a hit, less for a miss. Got it? Let’s dive in..

Story #1: Ashley’s gone, but not in every sense..
The upcoming video game release, “RAW vs. SmackDown 2009”, has announced many of its roster, the most surprising of which being Ashley Massaro, whom we all know was released from the WWE some time ago.. Hm.. I wonder how the *current* Divas who are MIA on this game feel about this? (Click for more info.)
Hit or Miss?: 1 star makes it a MISS. I’m aware that they plan these video games out verrrryyy far in advance, but it is pretty ironic that when roster space is pretty limited on these games, one of the precious spots will be taken by a Diva who is not only no longer with the company, but also left a bitter taste in many a fan’s mouth. I always think it’s kind of cool to see a Diva all digitized an whatnot, but Ashley looks absolutely atrocious in the game. Seriously – look at the photo above – those makers did her no favors.

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Story #2: TNA “Knocked Out” gets.. knocked out.
TNA recently released its “Knocked Out” DVD, solely dedicated to its Knockouts. It featured interviews with each Knockouts, as well as behind-the-scenes looks at photoshoots and stories of their respective paths to TNA. Diva Dirt reviewed the DVD, and it didn’t exactly pass with flying colors.. The main complaint was that TNA seemed to be more concerned with elevating their Knockouts above the Divas – it came across as arrogant and cocky. That, paired with empty and less-than-inspired chapters on each Knockout made us wonder if the DVD was even necessary. (See the original post.)
Hit or Miss?: 1 & 1/2 a star makes it a MISS. I appreciate that TNA is looking to push the Knockout brand by releasing this DVD, but I think they should have rounded up some better content. Constant comparisons to “other women wrestlers” does nothing to help theme in fact, it hinders their growth as a separate entity. If I wanted to watch boring character profiles and exhausting self-congratulations, I’d watch the Emmys, thanks..

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Story #3: SmackDown Divas Get Extreme
It’s been a while since ECW saw Diva action, but this past Tuesday’s event featured a match between Divas Champion Michelle McCool and Maryse. The two had a very solid match, impressing many fans. Perhaps this is a sign that Tuesday deserves more of a femine touch? (See the original post.)
Hit or Miss?: 4 & 1/2 stars makes it a HIT. Michelle and Maryse put on a helluva match, and the added aspect of it taking place on ECW gave it a different spin. Well, they didn’t go all “Extreme Rules” or anything, but as far as I concerned, the more people who see the Divas division compete, the better. Hopefully this is a sign of more exposure to come for the blue brand’s girls.

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Story #4: GLOW returns, and wants YOU!
Historic all-women’s federation GLOW, the company who brought us former WWE Diva Ivory, is returning and wants to recruit young women looking to get into wrestling. They will be holding a reality show-type competition, with the winner receiving prize money and a contract with GLOW. (See the original post.)
Hit or Miss?: 2 & 1/2 stars makes it a HIT, but barely. GLOW was a unique concept, but it wasn’t completely respectable wrestling – it included a lot of over-the-top antics and didn’t always have the greatest wrestling talents at its disposal. And the concept of a wrestling reality show gives be vibes of some Tough Enough/Diva Search hybrid, and I can’t say I’m itching to see that. Maybe GLOW can deliver some legitimate wrestling and compete with the Divas and Knockouts, but I’m not holding out hope..

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Story #5: Blue & red to bleed.
SmackDown’s much-heralded move to MyNetworkTV (a channel that about 2% of Americans get, apparently) has a new match for its premiere: Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix vs. Divas Champion Michelle McCool. It will be Raw vs. SmackDown – let’s see if SmackDown prevails over Raw like it has, product-wise, as of late. (See the original post.)
Hit or Miss?: 4 a stars makes it a HIT. Champion vs. Champion is a bit played out, yes, but this is the first time the Divas have had a chance to do it. There’s been constant discussion on whether SmackDown has actually surpassed Raw in terms of quality, and what better way to judge this than have their two Champs face off? I can’t recall Beth and Michelle in a match together (but to be fair, my memory is atrocious), so this should be something new – and we all know how repetitive both brands have gotten as of late. It doesn’t advance Beth’s storyline going into No Mercy, but in a sense, if she does defeat Michelle, it can propel the importance for No Mercy’s Women’s Title match. I’m looking forward to seeing this – even if I don’t get the bloody channel they’re switching to. I’ve only been able to access that channel out of town, and even then I’d only watch it for static-infested late-night episodes of Will & Grace..

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Story #6: Next Knockout Title match to be a 3-way.
TNA’s next PPV Bound For Glory is set to feature a triple threat match for the Knockout Title – Champ Taylor Wilde will take on both Awesome Kong and Roxxi Laveaux. (Click here for more info.)
Hit or Miss?: 3 & 1/2 stars makes it a HIT. Taylor hasn’t exactly been exciting the pants off of fans, so having a triple threat match seems to inject some of that missing excitement into her Knockout Title reign. Awesome Kong is an obvious contender, but it should be interesting to see how tiny Taylor matches up after having won the title from her in the first place. Roxxi is sort of a wild card, but having been in action with Kong recently, she must have a score to settle, and I’m sure she won’t be doing Taylor any favors. All things considered, this match could be pretty damn interesting.

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So, what’d you think? Did you think a hit was a miss or vice-versa! Let us know!

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