Thursday, March 27, 2025

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Impact 03/29/18: Here comes the Undead Bride

After making her Impact Wrestling debut last week by targeting the Knockouts Champion Allie, the Undead Bride Su Yung is ready to make waves in the Knockouts division! On this week’s show, she makes her in-ring debut against (aspiring Knockout) Amber Nova.

For her debut match, Yung has a personal ring announcer in Allie’s former flame, Braxton Sutter. Yung makes her entrance in grand fashion. In fact, her entrance lasts almost as long as this week’s Knockouts match!

Yung smashes Nova onto the mat and unloads fists of fury. She runs the ropes to land a running knee strike and then finishes off Nova with the Panic Switch for the quick win.

We are told that during a commercial break, there was turmoil happening backstage between Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary!

It all started when Taya tells Impact cameras that after months of waiting, anticipating and speculating, she has proven that she is better than Rosemary. Little does Taya know that Rosemary is actually ready to take on Taya’s challenge of taking their next fight anywhere! The Demon Assassin cries out to Taya and tosses a trash can to Taya’s face from above!

As Taya tries to regroup from the surprise attack, Rosemary sneaks up behind her to continue their brawl. Taya manages to avoid a second attack from the garbage can and tosses Rosemary to a crate. When Dick Justice (what in tarnation!?) tries to calm things down he eats a punch from Taya.

Don’t count Rosemary out yet! She blinds Taya with a Red Mist, which causes Taya to blindly attack Amber Nova heading to the back after her defeat. Give the girl a break! As Impact staff tries to pull Taya away, Rosemary is back on top and takes out everyone in front of her with a soaring cross body to end the night standing tall.

And finally, we are treated to an appearance from Gail Kim who offers some encouraging words to Allie backstage. Allie expresses her concern about not being sure how to handle the packaged duo of Braxton Sutter and Su Yung. Kim reassures that Allie is capable of handling them, having already overcome so much to capture the Knockouts Championship. She tells Allie to believe and stand up for herself – this is her time! Go Allie go!

Thoughts: Anytime Impact introduces a new Knockout (or any new talent for that matter) the go-to formula tends to be introducing them in quick squash matches. In one sense, this  90 seconds quick bout was sort of foreseen back when Hania was still on the roster. There really isn’t much to say about this match outside it being a complete squash.

Su Yung has a unique look and attitude that helps her stand out within the Knockouts division. Her pairing with Braxton Sutter is still a working project but I’m interested in seeing these two work together. Sutter really needed this heel turn as he was really becoming this bland babyface and just getting lost in the shuffle. What else could he and Su be plotting towards Allie? Is she ready to take them on after her pep talk with Gail?

On to our other Knockouts segment, I really enjoyed the battle between Taya and Rosemary! It was different than your usual backstage brawl and I appreciate the extra touches added. Up to this point, Taya’s tactic towards Rosemary has always been attacking her from behind so it was nice to see Rosemary give Taya a taste of her own medicine to come out on top. Most weeks we are only to treated to one Knockouts segments so I’m glad that Impact managed to fit two of their current Knockout feuds in one episode. Let’s hope a second Knockouts match makes it to the Redemption card!

What did you think of this week’s episode of Impact? Are you excited to see more of Su Yung? Did you enjoy the Taya/Rosemary brawl? Let us know in the comments below!

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