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Impact 08/09/18: Undeniable Truth

Hola Knockout fans and welcome to this week’s Impact Write-Up! After months of chasing and trying to reason with her husband Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards will step into her own spotlight when she squares off with Tessa Blanchard in what will be Alisha’s Impact in-ring return match.

But first, let’s first check in with Allie who is being interviewed backstage by Alicia Atout on her big win over Su Yung last week. Despite pinning the Knockouts Champion (and earning herself a future Knockouts Title opportunity) the moment was foiled by Tessa Blanchard’s ambush attack.

Allie says that attack from behind is typical of Blanchard but she is going to get hers. She turns the attention back to Su Yung, recalling the promise she made of making sure that no one will be stuffed into a casket again. Allie throws down the gauntlet and will meet Su Yung in the ring once again next week. To prove that this has nothing to do with Blanchard’s theory that Allie is chasing Yung for the Knockouts Title, Allie asks for the match-up to be a non-title one.

Loyal friend Kiera Hogan adds that Su Yung can bring her whole Undead Family but her time has come. Allie corrects Kiera, Su Yung’s time is up!

In the latest Katarina Leigh/Grado/Joe Hendry saga, Grado is still upset on falling short on his match against Eli Drake last week. He blames Hendry for not being at his corner when he needed to make the tag. Was Hendry too busy hugging his girlfriend?

Hendry breaks things down and explains that he was only coming to Grado’s defense, much when they were lads. Next week, he’ll come to Grado’s defense once again when he squares off in a rematch against Drake.

Let’s jump to our featured Knockouts match of the week:

The Knockouts lock-up but Blanchard overpowers Alisha, cornering her early on. Alisha strikes back with forearms and a kick to the knee that brings Blanchard down. Alisha runs the ropes but Blanchard halts her in her tracks.

Blanchard displays her strength over Alisha again with a Gorilla Press Slam and a suplex for a two count. She tries to keep Alisha at bay with a wrist lock but Alisha breaks free to counter with a crucifix pin. Alisha gets a two count but is also punished with a hard kick. Blanchard whips Alisha to the ropes and adds another kick off the ropes.

Blanchard runs the ropes again but misses a sliding elbow allowing Alisha to seize the moment and send Blanchard face first to the mat via. As both Knockouts get back to their feet, Alisha begins to rebuild some momentum with forearm shots and a bulldog for another near three count.

Alisha ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes for a Tornado DDT but it still isn’t enough to put her opponent away. Blanchard catches Alisha’s running offense and bounces her off the top ring ropes before setting up the Hammerlock DDT to pick up the win.

Post-match, Blanchard takes to the mic to say she just made an example of Alisha. She continues to smear Allie’s name – accusing her of only caring about herself. Blanchard leaves Allie with an ominous warning: if Allie is going after Su Yung and the Knockouts Championship, Blanchard is coming after her as well!

And closing out for the Knockouts this week is Ms. Scarlett Bordeaux, who continues to command attention wherever she goes. She makes her way backstage, running into the likes of KM and Fallah Bahh before waltzing into the management office.

The Big Wigs may not be fond of employees who randomly barge into their rooms but Ms. Bordeaux is an exception! In fact, they are concerned for her safety due to Bordeaux’s claim that the other Knockouts “mean and jealous” and decide to give Bordeaux her own show – The Smoke Show!

Get ready Knockout fans, Bordeaux’s official Smoke Show will premiere next week!

Thoughts: Though it was clear that Tessa Blanchard would get the win over Alisha Edwards, I’m glad that Alisha had the chance to display a fighting spirit. Even throughout her feud with Angelina Love last year, I’ve always felt that Alisha was stuck just being “Eddie Edwards” wife. Here’s a chance to allow Alisha to be her own persona and, more importantly, become a more in-ring competitor within the Knockout division.

Blanchard continues to add more wins under her belts and, while I’ll always prefer titles to change hands on live TV/PPV, I’m betting that she’ll capture the Knockouts Title during this weekend’s Triple Threat match. Allie has become a much more confident character to get behind, she still wants to avenge her fallen friends in Madison Rayne and Rosemary. I think a feud between her and Su Yung would still be able to carry on without the Knockouts title.

I can’t recall the last time a female had her own “Talk Show” bit in wrestling! (If anyone else has, please add to the comment section!) I’m really interested in seeing how Scarlett Bordeaux’s will play out. Will she have guests on? If so, maybe allow Alisha Edwards to be the first guest, again, to allow more involved within the division. Maybe Katarina Leigh to address this “Three’s a Crowd” scenario she is involved in? Or maybe it’ll just be Bordeaux using the air time to promote her #MakeWrestlingSexyAgain campaign. Either way, I’m looking forward to seeing how things will play out.

What did you think of this week’s Impact? Would you like to see more of Alisha Edwards within the Knockouts divsion? What do you think will happen during the premiere of The Smoke Show? Let us know in the comments below!

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