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Impact Write-Up (May 25th, 2017): Turning the tables

Hola Knockout and welcome to this week’s (delayed) Impact Write-Up. This week is all about tag team action for our Knockouts as we are treated to a mixed tag team match featuring Alisha Edwards and Eddie Edwards taking on Angelina Love and her husband Davey Richards. Elsewhere, Allie is at ringside for Braxon Sutter‘s tag team match where he’ll team up with Mahabali Shera to go head-to-head with KM and Kongo Kong who happen to have the GFW Women’s Champion Sienna and Laurel Van Ness at their corner.

The Knockouts get into an early confrontation on the outside ring during our first tag team contest while Braxton and Shera try to bring down the beast that is Kongo Kong. For most of this back and forth tag team match, the Knockouts stay in their corners, cheering on their respective teams.

However, it is towards the end of the match that sees Laurel jump onto the ring apron in an attempt to distract Shera with a kiss. Allie puts a stop to Laurel’s interference by pulling off the Broken Bride from the apron – which leads to Sienna and Laurel chasing Allie all around and inside the ring.

Allie avoids a double team attack from the heels and takes them down with a running crossbody! Go Allie go! After that small Knockouts spot, the match comes to an end when Kongo Kong headbutts Shera from the apron, allowing KM to roll him up for the three count. So much for that Shera push….

Post-match, a brawl if you want to even call it that! breaks out between the men, which leaves poor Allie as easy prey for Sienna and Laurel. The heels track Allie back inside the six-sided ring and commence a beat down on Impact’s beloved Knockout. The blows come to a stop when Rosemary’s theme song hits and she slowly makes her way to the ring. WELCOME BACK ROSEMARY and great new look!

The reigning Knockouts Champion sets her sight on all the Knockouts in front of her but instead of going after the vulnerable Allie, Rosemary mists Sienna! Rosemary then goes after Laurel, hitting her with the Red Wedding that lays Laurel out.

The Impact Zone welcome Rosemary back with by cheering on her name. The segment ends with a stare down between Rosemary and Allie. Could this be the start of a face turn for the Demon Assassin?

We move on to our mixed tag match of the evening:

After Davey Richards and Angelina Love make their complete entrance, Eddie and Alisha Edwards are out next but before they can enter the ring, they clash with Davey and Angelina on the outside.
The chaos calms down and the match eventually starts with Davey and Eddie. After Eddie is able to take Davey down with a suicide dive, Angelina sneaks attack him from behind with an eye-rake. Alisha spots this and climbs the top rope to take down Davey and Angelina with a crossbody as we head to a break.

When we return from the break, the Edwards each land a chop to Davey in the chest. Eddie stays in control but a small inference from Angelina allows for Davey to fight back. Davey begins to target Eddie’s left knee with Figure-Four. Eddie toughens it out and manages to take Davey down with a clothesline. He then tries to make a tag to his wife but Angelina once again interferes when she pulls Alisha off the apron before the tag can be made.

Eventually, Eddie is able to make the tag after avoiding a top rope stomp from Davey and taking him down with a suplex to the turnbuckle. The hot tag scenario plays out and the Knockouts are in! Alisha takes Angelina down with a spear and fists of fury. She goes on to climb the top rope of a corner for a crossbody but Angelina rolls out the way. The six-time Knockout Champion takes aim and goes for a Botox Injection but Alisha dodges and reverses this into a roll-up pin that earns her the three count!

The Edwards aren’t able to celebrate their victory smoothly as Davey and Angelina continue to go after Eddie and Alisha. Davey happens to have handcuffs on hand and cuffs Eddie to the bottom rope.

Angelina then orders her husband to get her a table from under the ring. Davey follows the command and sets up the table for his wife. Angelina goes on to powerbomb Alisha through the table as Eddie was forced to watch and cry out while still handcuffed to the ropes. Angelina walks over Alisha, proud of her doings to make out with Davey as physicians make their way to the ring to look over Alisha.

Thoughts: Rosemary making her return was the biggest highlight of this week’s show and what a way to come back! I’ve been saying for weeks on how I’ve missed Rosemary, more so when she’s the Knockouts Champion who has had to take a backseat while the GFW Women’s Title was given the spotlight. Right now, its a safe bet to see a title vs. title in the works between Rosemary and Sienna, which can be used as an explanation as to why Rosemary chose to go after Sienna.

In my opinion, Rosemary has been one of Impact’s biggest stars since her debut. She’s been a fantastic character and has transitioned well from her Decay managing role to an active wrestler. While I’m a bit skeptical about Rosemary turning face, I trust that she can take the ball and run with it. She has a popularity to her and the Impact Zone reaction to her saving Allie puts me at ease.

Speaking of Allie, I wish Impact would have really pushed her during the peak of her character which I thought was after Impact’s wedding segment from earlier this year.  It feels like some of Allie’s momentum has slowed down since taking on the role of managing Braxton at ringside. There are just too many bodies involved in this storyline (looking at you KM, Kongo and Shera) right now when it could’ve been much easier to have Allie feud one-on-one with Laurel.

While it was neat to see Alisha pick up the win, I thought Angelina was the star of this tag match thanks to her post-match attack. Angelina has been relentless since her return and her new look just helps add to this Sacred Seductress persona alongside Davey; who by the way has been as equally as vicious to Eddie. Hopefully, that table spot is an indicator that the rubber match between these couples includes a stipulation.

What did you think of this week’s Impact? Are you excited for Rosemary’s return? What direction would you like to see the Edwards vs. Richards take place next? Let us know in the comments below!

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