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Impact Write-Up (December 5th, 2013): Someone’s Had Enough of Gail’s Open Challenge

Welcome Knockout followers! Last night saw the continuation of Gail Kim‘s open challenge. After a one week break, the Knockouts champ was back in force as she took on her latest opponent. We also got more #HeelDixie, who is amazing. On with the show…

Our first glimpse of the TNA president came when Dixie Carter was found by one of her assistants backstage. She was talking on the phone to someone called Jason when she was interrupted and informed her that she had a delivery. What could it be? Well, I’ll tell you. Flowers.

‘Flowers? I do not want flowers!’ And they’re from a fan. Dixie is not impressed. She instructs them not to bother her again unless the delivery looks and feels like her world heavyweight title. Good Lord! I am loving Dixie.

We see Dixie again not long later, and she’s gathered some of the boys in the back. In front of her are four briefcases, each with a number from 1-4 on them. It’s another one of Dixie’s great ideas. She knows they thought the #WheelofDixie was, like, the most innovative thing ever but this is better. Obviously. One of the briefcases has a world title match contract, the second has a tag team title match contract, the third an X division title contract and the fourth… well, has the end of your contract. Unlucky!

We got a little segment of Gail Kim and her husband, Robert Irvine, on the Impact365 thingy. Gail talked about how she’s been dominating in less than two minutes in all of the open challenge matches, and Robert agreed. He doesn’t want anyone wasting Gail’s time.

The video quickly cut to Velvet Sky backstage with her man, Chris Sabin. Basically they were just basking in their attractiveness. Fair enough.

Gail Kim makes her way out to the ring, accompanied by the ever-loyal (though I hope not for too long) Lei’D Tapa. The champ is totally cocky and ready to go.

And her opponent, from Toronto, Canada: Laura Dennis, otherwise known as Cherry Bomb!

Alrighty then, let’s see how this goes.

Gail gets right in her opponent’s face as soon as the bell rings. She runs her around the ring, then plants her face first into the turnbuckle. Gail doesn’t give Laura much time to breathe before she hits her with a mean uppercut. Gail with a nasty neckbreaker and a two count, which Laura doesn’t kick out of. No, no, Gail picks her up. She’s not finished that easily.

Gail hits a knee to the gut and a right hand, setting up Laura in the corner. A big clothesline and Laura with nowhere to go but down from it. Gail plays up the crowd, who boo her quite enthusiastically. She loves it. Gail calls Laura pathetic, and then kicks her across the spine to prove it. She pulls Laura up to her feet, then hits a big knee to the mid-section. Laura’s back down on the mat once again.

Gail’s taking her time and being quite meticulous to prove a point. That she’s in charge. She traps Laura in the corner again and starts to choke her out with her foot. Gail’s just punishing her right now. Gail then with the running elbow and the ‘aren’t I fabulous’ pose on the outside. Lovely.

Back in the ring, Gail is just taunting Laura now, and Laura looks like she’s just had enough. Gail knocks her back down with a boot to the face. Picking her opponent up off the mat, Gail demands, pointing to the crowd, that Laura tell them who the best is. She’s screaming at Laura, and now Laura really has had enough. Instead, she delivers a big slap to Gail’s face.

Laura on the offense now with two big right hands and a clothesline, knocking the champ clean off her feet. A big shoulder block off the ropes is next, followed by a pin attempt and a two count. Gail’s in the corner and Laura charges, but Gail gets her feet up in time to block her.

Gail with the Eat Defeat, and this one’s over.

Gracious as ever, Gail goes after Laura once again and this time with help from Lei’D Tapa. Another Eat Defeat to an already put of out Laura, some ‘loser’ taunts and an attempted TKO…

But here comes ODB to save the day!

ODB clears the ring and Tapa is seething on the outside. Gail Kim has to hold her back as ODB stands tall in the ring.

We spy Dixie once again backstage, and she’s finally received her package. She tells Spud that if something isn’t going your way, you just have to put your foot down hard enough to get exactly what you want. At that point the show cuts back to the ring, but Dixie reappears later on.

Dixie’s backstage with her package. She’s excited about the world heavyweight title picture, and to get the actual title back from AJ Styles. Spud opens the box up for her, only for it to reveal… a TNA Knockouts Championship belt. Well. Dixie is not happy. She starts to have a mild breakdown, her voice reaches some odd decibels and she walks out of shot, proclaiming this:

“Game on!”

And I can’t wait.

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