Friday, March 14, 2025

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Ivory Announced for WWE Hall of Fame 2018 Class

A pioneer for women’s wrestling during the Attitude Era is being inducted into this year’s WWE Hall of Fame Class!

Per, Lisa “Ivory” Moretti will join the WWE Hall of Fame Wrestlemania weekend.

WWE had this to say about her career and induction, “Ivory got her start in the original GLOW as Tina Ferrari, and after 10 years away from the business, joined the then-WWF initially as one of Godfather’s hoes, then joining D’Lo and Mark Henry.

She was often used as an equaliser to Debra McMichaels who would distract the boys using her, ahem, assets.

From there, Ivory scored her first title victory in June 1999, defeating Debra with help from Nicole Bass.

She defended her title against all comers including Hall of Famer Jacqueline and the late Luna Vachon and Tori.

A staunch supporter of women being taken seriously during the attitude era, she was made to compete in Gravy Bowl, Evening Gown, Bikini and pool matches, and would call out fans and Jerry Lawler “perverts” for their enjoyment of it.

She reigned atop her division three times, her last reign ended by Chyna at Wrestlemania X-7. At the forefront of the Golden Age, she played a secondary role and went on to host the WWE Experience in 2004 until her 2005 release.

Best known as an amazing talker, wrestler and heel with Right To Censor, Ivory has more than earned her spot. Congrats!!”

For more information about this news, go here. 

She joins the 2018 class with Bill Goldberg and The Dudley Boyz.

The Diva Dirt team is beyond excited for her induction and congratulates Lisa Moretti on this honor!

What’s your favorite Ivory moment?

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