Former Tough Enough champion, Jackie Haas blogs on the new series of Tough Enough. Read her insight and opinion on the series every week exclusively here at Diva Dirt.

Called it!
Mama’s know best… did I not say last week that the wrestling business is not for those that have little kiddos – could not agree with Michelle any more to make the decision to walk away from “her dream” to take care of her baby. Maybe someday will be the right day for her and I wish her the best of luck on putting it all together.
Mikael – again, who the heck is this? Right choice in the elimination. When Stone Cold is trying to pull charisma out of your ass and you have a promo that puts me to sleep, bye-bye. Sure we will see him with a developmental contract (as the majority of the contestants will probably end up like this sooner or later). He had the build but that’s it; at least in my eyes. Next…
Ryan, now even though he is the quirkiest in the whole group and reminds me of a spitting image of Hawk during my season of TE, at least he brought it in the promo to save his life. Whether he was just shitting in his pants or sincerely took the advice of Luke, I was impressed and actually had a grin on my face when he left Mikael in the dust with his war of words. Let’s just hope that this is not a one-time deal and he continues to grow some balls as the weeks continue. I have some strange feeling that the tinkle tears are going to be seen as the competition continues and they really start to weed out the week and he will be crying for his girlfriend. Even if he goes all the way – which I don’t think he will – he would never survive on the road with the boys… just way too much of a softy and kid in my personal opinion. Nothing personal again Ryan, sure you’re a great guy but great guys seem to finish last quite a lot in this business.
As for the ladies, still a fan of Rima. Good for her to want to put the extra work in and the ones that don’t ask for extra help that need it should take a page out of her book… many times did I stay after OVW practices or get to the ring hours early before house shows to soak up as much as my mind and body would allow. Her body will hold up. Once the moves become a bit more fluid with her, she will have a lot of success in this business. She is the only one that even has a chance with competition; the other two ladies do not impress me – at least as far as what they have shown to this point.

I think this season is fairing to be a really good competition for the men. Everyone seems to have their own strength, so it’s just a matter of working on their weaknesses and I need to give it another couple weeks to evaluate fully who is the front runner for the guys.
Until next week – stay strong, stay tough… time for this mama to get to pole class! Yes, my newest venture for my workouts and to increase my overall body strength; and as Candice Michelle and Torrie Wilson said on “AfterBuzzTV” this past week when Charlie and I were special guests – sure Charlie doesn’t mind keeping an eye on the kids for a couple hours! Hope HMB is able to help these bruises dissipate and work in conjunction with the recovery process even more – the pole is no joke and certainly leaves its mark!
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